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As we left the school John held my hand and walked to his car. I got in and turned to him. "What are you doing tomorrow"? I asked.

"You". He spoke and started his car.

"I'm being serious".

"So am i".

I rolled my eyes. John rolled down the window to Andy. "Were getting some icecream. Wanna come"? He asked.

"No dillweed. It's fucking thirty degrees out and March"  John said.

"Could of just said no. Geez". Andy said and walked off.

I turned to John as he tried to hide his smirk. He gets joy out of doing that.

"My dad wants to meet you". I whispered. John practically swerving out of the parking lot.

"What"! He asked and stopped the car in the last parking spot.

"My dad wants to meet you. He invited you over for dinner". I repeated.

John pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "No can do sweets". He said.

"Why not"? I argued.

"If you haven't noticed I don't do well with parents. Look at mine". He said.

"John, my dad isn't like that. He wants to put a face to a name, that's all".

John rolled his eyes. "Show him my school picture". He sighed.

"Which one your seventh grade? You stopped showing up for pictures remember"? I kind of gave attitude on the last part.

"Sweets. I'm not meeting your parents. That's something I will automatically choose not to do".

"Not even for me. Your girlfriend". I snapped.

"I'm sorry. No". He whispered.

I shook my head and got out of his car and started to walk home. The sound of running behind me only meant he was either mad or sorry.

"Get back in the car". He said as he wrapped me into his arms.

"Come to dinner". I said.

"Kylie. I can't. Okay, I can't. I get judged enough by this entire hell hole, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I ruin it when meeting your father. You know how hard it is for me to act normal, it's basically a sin"!

I rolled my eyes. "So that's it. You won't even try. If you asked me to meet your parents I would do it in a heartbeat ".

Something set off in John Bender after I said it. "You'd be lucky if I ever offered that. You'd be fucking crazy to think of that". He hissed. "I'm not meeting your dad, or your mother. Drop the integration". He said.

"Fine. Then its done". I said and continued to walk out of the schools parking lot.

I let the tears come down about a mile down the street, after I realized he wasn't following me. Why does he have to be that way? It's not like I'm showing him to my dad for approval, he already has me. I looked up to see the icecream shop that Andy, Allyson, Claire and Brian were at. I wiped my eyes and walked over.

"Kylie, what are you doing here". Ally asked.

I pulled my jacket closer to me and sat down at one of the empty chairs.

"I was in the neighborhood".

Ally shook her head and Claire grabbed my hand.

"What happened"? Andy asked.

I shook my head and took the water bottle that Brian held out for me.

"Ally, Andrew. Can I ask you something"?

Both of them nodded.

"Have you met eachother parents"? I asked.

"Yeah, we have dinner there every Sunday with Allys mom, and then every Tuesday we go out to eat with mine." Andy spoke.

I nodded and bit my lip. "Did either one of you refuse to meet either side of the family"? I asked.

"I was scared first Yeah, but I never refused it. That's like the number one thing not to do". Allyson said.

"Its important to meet the parents. It helps with trust". Claire said as he smiled at Brian.

"My dad told me he wanted to meet John. I haven't told him until eariler and he flipped out and told me he would never meet my parents". I sobbed.

"Oh honey, that's John. He thinks everyone judges him on purpose, it's in his head. I mean hell, look at his parents". Ally said and held my hand.

"Stay with us for a while. Take a breather". Brian said and slid his icecream over to me.

"To cold for icecream". I laughed and took another sip of water.


I got to the house later then I thought. I'll probably get grounded. I walked in to the smell of dinner and got confused. My parents never cook dinner unless we have company.

"Mom, Dad, I'm home. Sorry I'm late. I stopped at the icecream shop with friends and I lost track of-" I stopped.

Sitting at my dinner table sat John and my parents. He was dressed in a black dress shirt with black jeans. He gave me a smile as my dad stood up.

"Kylie honey, John said you were out. He wanted to surprise you with being early. Come in and sit. Dinner is about to start". My mom smiled and kissed my cheek.

I wiped my eyes and took off my jacket, hanging it up by the door. I was freezing. When I came to the table John stood up and pulled the chair out that was next to him. I sat down and he pushed me in.

"Were having chicken and vegetables." My dad smiled.

"So John, please continue". My dad edged

"Yes sir. Anyhow. I was alone for a year before I decided to take up the Schools offer to attend Saturday sessions. They told me they would rather have me there then at home by myself." John smiled and took a sip of something out of our wine glass. He was such a little shit.

"Dont tell. We offered him some wine". My dad joked.

I nodded, forced a giggle and just sat back. What the hell was going on.

"Well, your staying out of trouble now right? I know that Vernon fellow can be a bit much". My dad smiled.

"Yes sir". John smirked.

When my dad got up and walked into the kitchen I turned to John and slapped his arm.

"What the hell are you doing. I'm mad at you". I hissed.

"I know you are. After you left me in the parking lot I had alot of time to think." He said and took another sip of wine.

"What did you think about"? I asked.

He grabbed my hand and smiled. "I thought about you and how it would ruin me if I lost you. You mean more to me then anything. I didn't mean to get nasty with you. It just took me off guard". He said.

"I don't want to lose you either". I said and felt myself start to cry.

John wiped my eyes and leaned in, giving me a kiss. When he pulled away my mom was standing there smiling.

"Dinners ready". She said and set it on the table.

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