first date

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Oneshot Synopsis: Donnie and April go on their first date, but things don't go as expected.

Inspired "Operation Apritello" by cerulean-crystal .

Note: this has ocs.


Finally, after years of being told the aches and pains of his love for April were totally platonic, Donnie finally plucked up the courage to ask his childhood friend out on a date.

And now he was preparing for the big meeting, he wanted everything to be perfect, from the tone of the lights to the food to the venue he planned everything. Obviously when his brothers found out they all decided it was their duty to help. Which only made the soft-shell more nervous and anxious.

"Purple, stay still!" Ye-jun said pinning Soft-shell's leg.

"eye roll, why do we need to be here? Wouldn't it be easier to buy a new suit?" Complained Donnie clearly irritated with the situation.

"Oh my sweet, sweet, dumb, less handsome twin brother." Leo said leaning on his brother's shoulder. "You don't just want to impress the girl, you want to make her jaw drop."

"Also, you complained about all the purple suits we found, you don't have much of a choice." Mikey said leaning back in his chair.

Donnie snorted, but whether or not his brothers were right, he wanted to make April fall in love with him, make her flutter when she saw him, make her feel butterflies in her stomach. Things he clearly felt when he saw her.

And as much as he hated to admit Mikey was right, every suit he'd tried on was awful. Some were tight, others the fabric was bad and others were not accessible at all.

The soft-shell was disappointed of course, but his brothers were right. Ye-Jun was their last hope, he was the only one who had the fabrics Donnie liked, who could make something he liked, and which was affordable. The yokai got up and got up, picking up some fabric chalk and a few more pins.

"Your luck..." Ye-Jun said pointing at Donnie with the pin and crouching down in front of him "It's just that I owed your brother a favor, because for me SWEETHEART..." He said jabbing Donnie's leg "I wouldn't do it for all the money in the world."

He got up and looked at Mikey "The suit will be ready next week, one of you come pick it up at 10 am sharp." he said helping Donnie to remove the pieces of fabric "If you arrive a minute later I'll burn the suit. Now get out of my workshop before I stab one more of you."

Said and done, Donnie was privileged to pick up the suit at the right time, the yokai was even waiting with the lighter at his side.

"you look amazing!" said Mikey taking his phone out of his pocket to take some pictures.

"Ah ..." Leo sighed and then blurted out "You owe us after that!"

"After what?" Donnie asked intrigued.

"You know... we read your diary and come up with the great and amazing 'Operation Apritello' (name pending)" Leo smiled "You're welcome."

"this stupid idea almost made me want to run away and move to another state you LUNATIC!" Donnie yelled the last part.

"It's thanks to that 'lunatic' that you have a girlfriend. Be more grateful Don, be more grateful." Mikey got in.

Donnie groaned almost slapping himself in the face. Yes it was true, if it weren't for his brothers he might never have opened up to April, said what he felt and he wouldn't have known what she felt either. His brothers were, technically, the reason the two were together.

But he would never admit that. it was almost 7:00 pm sharp, still about 20 minutes to go. Donnie had no time to waste, he still had to pick April up and go to the restaurant.

"I gotta go." Donnie said taking The suit blazer. " the restaurant won't open until 20:00, but me and April have to arrive earlier to confirm and...DON'T YOU DARE FOLLOW US!"

The three waited for the turtle tank to disappear from the "garage" (if you can call it that).

"We're going to follow them, right?" Mikey asked.

"Obviously" Leo said.

"And you still ask?!" Raph said already grabbing the swords for Leo.

Donnie was nervous, of course he would be, The girl of his dreams was going on a date with him, of ALL people. His heart beating against his ribcage.
He was going to pick April up at her house, emphasis on "going", it would be perfect if he didn't have to hide from her parents, which unfortunately he was.
Her parents would freak out if they found out, imagine that! Her daughter dating a mutant?! Donnie couldn't fault their reaction or the reality.
Then both would meet at the entrance to the portal to Hidden city, something that didn't like the soft-shell, but it wouldn't mind. He was almost giving up, it had been about 40 minutes just waiting, Until a light tap on the turtle tank's window. April! Was her! Beautiful, wearing a yellow dress, hair loose and loved. Donnie's heart skipped a beat.

"you look…" he swallowed, "beautiful…" he whispered.

April gave a light laugh, covering her mouth with soft-shell redness.

"thanks Donnie, nice suit." She said climbing with the help on the turtle tank. AND Almost falling on top of the young man. Both laugh awkwardly.

"let's go?"

"yes we should."

In a location not so far away, Raph, Leo and Michelangelo watched and squirmed when they saw that scene.

"Good guys, we have a tank to follow."


Hahah did you miss me?

Well this is part 1 of a two part fic. I hope you enjoyed.

April x Donnie - oneshots Vol.1Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu