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OCs: Misaki, Ye-Jun and Ace.

Ace - a Yokai child full of energy, she is shy and lives glued to her plush axolotl, she is a Yokai cat.

Oneshot Synopsis: Misaki and Ye-Jun have left their honorary little sister in the care of April and Donnie, who have been dating for some years now.

 Author's Note: This is a very long oneshot, so if there are any typos, please forgive me. With that out of the way enjoy the oneshot.


Misaki appeared through a portal, as usual, April looked at the big Yokai, thinking "can't you use the door like a normal person?"  Ye-Jun was behind her, and so was a small figure.

A small Yokai cat, wearing formal clothes, a bow tie and a dress vest, like Misaki and Ye-Jun, took on a hybrid appearance, not fully animal, not fully human.

"April! Remember the favor you and Donnie owe me."  Misaki started "I need it. You're going to take care of Ace today."  She said showing the child.

"Wait what?"  Donnie asked before having a suitcase thrown in his arms.

"Those are her things, it's just an hour. We'll be right back."  Ye-Jun said patting her head.

"Misaki, Ye-Jun I didn't agree to take care of her." Donnie said pointing to the child.

"Oh is that so?" Misaki said approaching Donnie's face "April knows what you and I know and she doesn't?"

Donnie looked with a mixture of startled and indignant.

"Well, I'll...take care of the child." He said putting things on the floor "But that thing stays between us." he whispered.

" Perfect!" Ye-Jun said as he pulled out a polaroid camera and took a picture of the little girl, he took it out and gave it to April "Here's a little souvenir!" He said smiling showing his teeth.

"Some rules: 1. No sweets, if necessary, you can give little. 2. Do not leaving her alone. 3. Under any circumstances don't let her out of this hiding place." Misaki said straightening Ace's clothes.

"We'll be back in a little while." Ye-Jun said hugging the little Yokai "In case someone dies you call us. But only call us in that case." He said adjusting his makeup. 

"Okay Ace. Today you will be in the care of Miss April O'Neil and Mister Donatello Hamato." Misaki said as she stroked the top of the little Yokai's head. "You know the rules. Good luck, we'll be right back. Bye."

April just nods. The little yokai was really short, had big hair, and was hugging a black and pink axolotl plush, she must have been nervous. April bent down and smiled at the young yokai.

"Hi, Ace isn't it?" April said, trying to be nice, the little girl just nodded "I'm April and that's Donnie, do you want to do something?"

The yokai shook her head, and hugged the axolotl tighter to her chest.

"Uhmmm... How old are you?" April asked, and looked at Donnie confused, he just looked at her with a shrug.

Ace made a six in sign languages, Donnie had understood but April just tilted her head and looked at Donnie who bent down and smiled at April.

"She's six." Donnie said to April, he turned to Ace and asked "And what's his name?" He pointed to the axolotl.

The child smiled and held out the axolotl.

"D-Duke!" she said shyly, April looked up with a smile she didn't know the little girl knew how to talk.

Donnie, hearing Ace speak, remembered the times he had a meltdown and couldn't speak, specifically the beach balls. He tried to show affection by patting the child's head. April smiled to see her boyfriend trying to understand the child, she knew he didn't like them very much, seeing the drooling, screams and strange noises they make.

"Oh his name is Duke?" Donnie asked getting up.

"Yes! He's an axolotl!" The little girl started to be very happy " Did you know that the name axolotls is a tribute to an Aztec god? and that He is a neotenic animal? And that they are in danger of going extinct? Which is sad because I like it a lot and that the axolotl can be raised at home? I wish I had one but Misaki said I can't..." the little girl had gotten really excited, April and Donnie thought it was really cute when she started to explain "But it's ok because I have Duke!" She said showing the stuffed animal.

April x Donnie - oneshots Vol.1Where stories live. Discover now