Photos and Memories

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Oneshot synopsis: Continuation of "unknown and forgotten", April shows some of the photos and tells memories of the past.


Donnie was sitting on the sofa, with the album in his hands, leafing through it carefully, he noticed how the sofa adapted to his weight, thinking how many times they had sat there, maybe watching a movie. The brunette sat next to him, looking the soft-shell carefully at the leaves.

"Can you explain this one to me?" I said pointing to the first one.

April gave a slight smile, it was a photo of the two little ones, she took the photo with her first camera.

"Of course." She said smiling, and started to explain.

- memory one -

It was summer, April had met the turtles a few weeks ago, she also got a new camera. She was so excited, it wasn't often that an 8 year old gets a camera from her parents.

She happily entered the lair, the boys trained, except for Donnie, due to his soft-shell, that is he was sitting or reading or watching his brothers, Splinter gave a class just for Donnie.

"Dee!" She said when she saw the soft-shell, at that time he still wore the glasses at that time.

He turned and flashed a smile, she reached out with the camera she was carrying and almost shoved it in his face.

"Look! Look what I got!" She said excitedly.

"A camera?" he asked curiously.

"It's a camera!" she said excitedly "I got it yesterday from my parents!" she said looking at the camera "Donnie?"

"Yes?" He said looking at her, a little red.

He nodded, April hugged the soft-shell, making him blush in the process, she smiled broadly and snapped the photo.

- end of memory one -

It would be a lie to say that Donatello wasn't angry with himself for not remembering that photo. He analyzed the photo, April was so adorable as a child.

He pointed to the second, a picnic.

"Please explain this one to me."

- Memory two -

It was late spring, early summer, the wind was blowing light and the five of them had gone out to a picnic that Donnie had refused to go to. April had just gotten her driver's license, and she had insisted on taking the boys out in daylight, of course the trip was tense.

"Donnie, if you're going to frown the whole trip, you won't eat." Leo said making a face at his soft-shell brother.

"Shut up Nardo." He screamed.

April heard that, and sat down next to Donnie, who was a little startled by the unexpected movement.

"Come on Donnie, give me a smile." She said resting her head on his shoulder.

"Don't start O'Neil." He said without looking at her, maybe because he was red, or knowing that he was afraid of making a mistake.

They looked to the horizon, Donnie had hated the car ride, Mikey had forced him to ride in the back, squeezed between Raph and Leon, Raph had been drooling the whole trip and Leo had put on some annoying tunes in the car stereo. for Donnie, it was hell.

April looked at her phone, for a while her phone wallpaper was a picture of her and her ex, Yes, it was true, April had ended a relationship, nothing serious, childhood dating so to speak.

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