Playing House

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Oneshot synopsis: This oneshot follows Donnie and April as kids playing house.

a/n: This is going to be a cuter oneshot, focusing on the fact that they've known each other since they were little, there little to no romantic content here( just a kiss on the cheek), In addition to being shorter than the previous one.

The caracters are children here.


Splinter never let Donnie play wrestling with his brothers, due to his condition being a soft-shell, any careless movement he could get seriously, that is, for a long time his only form of fun was reading, that is until a little brunette girl appeared and make friends with him and his brothers. April was a light at the end of the tunnel at times for him, when the boys wouldn't let her or Donnie play ninja wrestling with them, the two were content to talk or make inventions.

On that specific day the little girl was sad, something that bothered Donatello, she didn't want to play with her brothers and was sitting in a corner.

"April, did something happen?" He asked.

The girl just nodded, she hugged her legs, Donnie sat on the floor next to her.

"I don't have friends at school." he muttered.

"What? you're the nicest person I know!" He was confused and offended to hear that coming out of April's mouth.

"Not enough to play house with Becky and Heather..." She mumbled.

"If you want I can play house with you." He tried not to look excited about the idea, April smiled slightly.

"Really?" She asked, he nodded "Then let's play."

But how do you play house? that was the question at the back of Donnie's head.

April explained to him: normally, when the children played at her school, it was a father and mother, a son, grandparents... And so it went, basically a game where children simulated a family life.

"So how are we going to play?" Donnie asked.

April took a stuffed animal out of her backpack "I don't know, I can be the mother, that's the baby." She showed the plush "You can be the father if you want."

"OK." He said, if April told him to run into a wall, Donnie - at least at that age - would obey without a second thought.

The two went to Donnie's room, where the house would be, April pretended to cook and Donnie entered, so the play began.

"Darling, you're home!" April took the doll.

"what do i say now?" He asked when April handed the doll over to him.

"I don't know, you have to act." She said, realizing that he had never played house before.

The game boiled down to April pretending she was the working mom and Donnie the stay-at-home dad. The girl imitated her mother a bit, and Donnie only had two father figures: Splinter (who was a little distant, and who wasn't the best of options to base his acting on) and Jupiter Jim.

"April where are you going?" He asked holding the doll while April went to the door.

"Work dear." She spoke in character.

"And what do I do while you're working?" Donnie asked, as it was his first time playing he wanted to do his best.

"Take care of the baby, cook... watch TV." She suggested going back to pretending to go to work.

The two were playing almost all afternoon, Splinter always warned April when it was close to time to leave, he never met the girl's parents but didn't want to get her in trouble, when he arrived at the door where the two were he didn't want to interrupt their play. He was happy that his son could play with someone.

"April?" Splinter called, they both turned towards the door where he was standing "It's about time you left."

"Serious?" The two asked, looking sad.

"Yes, unfortunately, tomorrow you can play more, but now you have to go, your parents will be worried if you're not home soon." He said, April put the doll inside the backpack again.

Splinter waited for April at the exit of the lair, meanwhile she was putting things inside her backpack, Donnie was sad that he couldn't play a little longer, it seemed that the game was getting better and better - that feeling you have as a child but you know which is a lie - maybe tomorrow they could stop where they left off.

"Bye Donnie." She said and kissed him on the cheek, a normal gesture between children.

She walked away giggling in the process, Donnie blushed, which Leo and Mikey noticed.

"Donnie and April sitting under a tree and K.I.S.S.I.N.G." the two sang around Donnie.

"Stop it." he demanded.

Raph didn't understand why they would do that, but never when April was around.


A/N: I don't really know what to write, I wanted to write something cuter, and short, I'm tired and I'm writing a really long oneshot. The last one I posted is about 20 minutes long. I hope you enjoy.

April x Donnie - oneshots Vol.1Where stories live. Discover now