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A/N: This oneshot is the third and last of a oneshot that was split into three, present, past and future.

Oneshot Synopsis: Everything always looks great, wonderful, it's been a few years since the Krang attack and they've been stopped for good.


Donnie woke up in pain, for a change, it's been a few years, he and April were finally dating and living together, he stretches, before feeding Mayhem.

Something he wondered was where that animal was when the Krang invasion happened, teleportation would have been of help. But as his girlfriend always said 'let the animal live Donnie.'

He, in fact, was already used to living inside the apartment, which - even though it was small - didn't have people screaming and he could wake up whenever he wanted.

He stared at the creature, which in his mind was immortal, as he still looked like he did the day April found him at the construction site even though a few years had passed. And his age was unknown, which didn't help matters.

Donnie looked around the apartment, it was April who had ordered it decorated, not that he was very against his girlfriend's design ideas, but he didn't like the yellow of one of the walls. April always tried to avoid things that made him feel sensorially uncomfortable or otherwise bad.

"We are a Dee team." that's what she said when his things started moving permanently from her house. "If you don't like it or it makes you uncomfortable, you have to tell me."

He smiled remembering moments like that, to tell the truth he got excited every time she came back earlier, or the two of them stayed on the couch watching movies and series, it was one of those moments where you don't need to say anything, just live the comfort of that moment. On one of those days he realized he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her.

"Hello, what do you want Mikey?" Said Donnie upon receiving the younger brother's call.

"You answer Mikey and I don't I your twin brother?!" Leo yelled from the other end of the phone, he rolled his eyes.

"Eye Roll, tell Leo to shut up please. What happened Mikey?" Donnie said opening the cabinet to get a mug.

"We want to know how the question went! What did April say?" Mikey spoke excitedly.

"What a quest- oh that one... I haven't done it yet."

"Haven't done yet?!" Raph yelled in the background.

"Am I on speaker?" Donnie asked without patience "Oh forget it, I'm on my way over there."

He said already taking the coat, made of purple satin that April had given him as a gift for two years of dating, the girl smiled to see him wearing the same jacket every day for three years. He went to the lair, where he found Mikey , Leo, Raph, Casey and his father waiting for him, Donnie still had his lab there which served as an excuse to see his brothers. Donatello looked at his brothers and father, something he wouldn't like would happen.

"Ah no... I know how that look. I'm going back to the apartment."

Said Soft-Shell turning around to avoid anything that could happen. Raph grabbed Donatello by the jacket.

"This Donnie is an intervention." Leo said leaning against the wall.

"Eye roll Why this time?" Donnie said with a smug smile

Yes that same scenario had happened before, during his first year dating April they did an intervention about him not sleeping, the second time was because he was moving, third was something about him always wanting to test things out on his brothers - nobody knows how that wasn't the first - and the fourth one well he fell asleep because he was tired.

April x Donnie - oneshots Vol.1Where stories live. Discover now