Bicolored eyes narrow.

" It's Shoto"

Katsuki grins with the devil on his face.

" Not to me Bozo, now what the fuck are you doing here?"

Shoto stares at the male who still has a grip on his collar.

" I don't owe you any explanation. I'm free to stop in and see whomever I choose."

That grip on his collar tightens.

" That's where you're wrong. When my boyfriend tells you to stay the fuck away from him and you keep coming back like a bad rash you loose all rights. When you decided to cheat on him and break the most amazing God damn heart I've ever known you lost all rights. You're going to turn around and get back in whatever shitty car you came here in and leave him alone, no calls, text or just bullshit passing through stories and you're going to stay away because trust me I'll find a way to beat your ass no matter where in the world I am. I will cancel a whole fucking tour just to come after you and if you don't believe me just test me, I want you to."

There's since for a few minutes as they both glare at each other before Katsuki speaks again.

" Oh and if you're thinking about running to the press with a story about what a fucking hot headed prick I am, there's a video camera in here, I'll be sure to smile for it and hand the tape over personally cause I really could give two fucks about my public appearance cause this is me mother fucker, in all my psychotic, over jealous, anger issue, face smashing, bone breaking glory.", he smirks.

Just a few floors up Izuku is waiting for the elevator to head down to the lobby to his boyfriend. When the door opens and he steps inside he scrunches his face because there on the elevator floor is his bag.

A hit of anxious worry hits his system because he's not sure why his bag is the elevator without his boyfriend that was attached to it. He swiftly hits the down button chewing at his lip with anxiety.

As soon as the doors open after what felt like hours green eyes go wide at the smashed flower vase and the sight of his ex wiping blood off his nose and his new boyfriend with anger raging in crimson eyes.

He steps out quickly grabbing the blonde by the hand.

" Kacchan! W-what happened?!"

Katsuki squeezes the smaller hand in his, his eyes softening immediately at the sight of worried green eyes. He pulls his boyfriend into his arms.

" Nothing baby, Bozo here was just leaving and he assured me he wouldn't be back to bother you. Now we gotta get going we have a plane to catch.", the blonde says with a smile as he reaches up with a large hand that has slightly bloodied knuckles from the strong punch. He places it on the greenett's neck pulling him into a kiss that he makes sure to open his eyes for so that he can see jealous burning in bicolored eyes. He smirks into the kiss raising his middle finger behind the greenett's back at the male before he breaks the kiss that leaves Izuku breathless.

Katsuki winks at the greenett then links his fingers grabbing Izuku's bag once more turning to Shoto again.

" Oi. You better clean that shit up before you leave, this is an upper end apartment building, we don't like trash hanging around, that means you too. Later Bozo"

With those words smirked he's out the front door to a waiting Uber opening the door for his boyfriend.

After both are inside and situated Izuku stares at the blonde still having absolutely no idea what happened.

" Kacchan.. what.. what in the world went on down there?!"

Katsuki shrugs with a smile placing a kiss on the back of the hand he holds in his.

" Short version, he showed up to see you again, I didn't like it, I beat his ass, he's going to leave you alone, we're headed to the airport."

Izuku stares at the blonde whose staring right back at him. Green eyed blink a few times at the explanation that left out more than it told, then they both suddenly break into a laugh filling the back seat.

Izuku shakes his head in amusement has he continues to laugh softly as green eyes finally meet smirking crimson again.

" Ok..I'll take that."

Katsuki grins at him.

" Good. He wasn't worth any more of an explanation than that."

Izuku nods with a smile as he runs his thumb over the blonde's burised knuckles.

" Umm thanks Kacchan. Thanks for handling that for me and for coming back to get me for awhile, you have no idea what it means to me."

Katsuki studies him reaching up running a hand over his cheek.

" I have a pretty good idea. Same way I felt when you roundhoused Sora. Damn it was a good day."

Izuku laughs softly lightning up the blonde who speaks again.

" By the way, you look so good. Damn you in this outfit does damage to me you know that?"

Izuku smirks as he kisses the blonde lightly using his own words against him.

" Oh trust me rock star, I definitely know."


I'm so into this story.

Our tale continues.. stay tuned

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