chapter 13

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Max's POV

I was typing something in my computer, not sure what as my finger moved on their own. The screen was blurry and I couldn't focus on what I was doing. It was as if I didn't have any control over my own body.

Just then Oliver walked up to me and said something, but I couldn't make out what. His lips were moving, but not a sound came out of them.

Afterwards, I saw myself stand up and follow him. We arrived at the bathroom and the most unexpected happened. I was leaned against the cold bathroom wall and Oliver caressed my cheek. He then proceeded to lift his hand up to my face and gently grabbed my chin, trailing his thumb over my lips, making me part them slightly, and leaned forward. When our lips met I responded right away and melted into the kiss. I ran my hand through his now disheveled hair, pulling him closer, wanting to feel more.

We pressed our groins together, rubbing our bodies, longing for each other. By now we were a hot mess, moaning and panting into our mouths.

I wanted him so bad. I wanted him to take me here and now.

Suddenly the door creaked open and Oliver hurriedly pulled me into a random stall and locked the door after us. The person that walked in didn't seem to notice us and walked into the stall right next to us.

We were catching our breaths and I tried my best to stay silent. But Oliver seemed to have other plans.

He started unzipping my pants and I almost let out a sound. I signaled him not to do anything and just stay still and wait, but he didn't listen and just smirked. Just to be sure I covered my mouth with my hand and watched as he went to work. His hands traced down to my boxers and made me shiver. He palmed my erection and I held back a moan.

He then proceeded to switch our positions and placed me on top of the toilet. I watched Oliver shocked as he got on his knees and looked at me with those blue eyes of his, asking for permission and I nodded, granting it to him.

He slowly took out my throbbing boner, observing as it twitched in his hand and licked the top with a satisfied grin, making me whimper in response. He knew he was the only one to make me feel this way. To make me cry out in ecstasy and beg for more. I felt as though he could see right through me, read my thoughts. But this was all a dream after all.

Oliver continued to tease the top and wouldn't go any further which almost made me let out a frustrated huff. Finally, he took it in his mouth and swallowed me whole. Surprised by the sudden and overwhelming pleasure, I covered my mouth and almost let a cry slip out.

I felt Oliver smirking with my dick in his throat and I grabbed him by the hair at the back of his head. He looked up at me and I grew even more impatient when I saw him in the state he was in. Almost unnoticeable tears in his eyes and the saliva dripping down the corners of his mouth with my whole cock in him. I was now at my limit. 'More' I signaled with my mouth and he understood immediately, starting to move up and down, picking up the pace.

God, this felt so good. And Oliver being the one giving me head added to it.

All of a sudden the door opened and closed again, meaning the person who was in the bathroom with us finally exited. It was weird he didn't hear us at all, but this was a dream so I shouldn't be surprised.

Right. A dream. Does that mean I'm dreaming about having sex with Oliver?! Well, not sex just a blowjob. We didn't fuck yet.


"Max." Oliver muttered, taking my erection out of his mouth which brought me out of my thoughts. "Sorry, I was just thinking about something. Continue." But Oliver stood still, waiting. Or maybe thinking?

Suddenly, he stood up and unbuckled his pants and put down his boxers, taking out his hard on. I was about to ask what he was up to, but my question was soon answered. "I can't hold it in any longer, Max." he panted and glanced down at me. All of a sudden he grabbed my legs and lifted them up in the air. Surely he wasn't planning to...

Oliver positioned himself at my entrance and rubbed his member along my twitching hole. "I want to put it in. Can I?" he asked with pleading eyes that almost made me agree to his request. Almost. I was hesitant although I wanted him to fill me up so bad. But I've never done it with a person before and I'm sure I'm not loosened up enough. It might hurt, a lot. Can I do this for him?

Wait... this is a dream after all so it shouldn't hurt, right? I guess the only way to find out is to try it.

"Go ahead." I said more confident than I felt. In response, Oliver smiled and started pushing it in. Please don't hurt...

But I never got to find out as the scene before my eyes disappeared and everything around me was now pitch black.

The next thing I knew, I was slowly opening my eyes, adjusting to the bright room I was in. My vision was blurry at first. Rubbing my eyes, I sat up still half asleep and forced my eyes open. It was hard at first and it took me a while, but I soon got used to the light coming from outside.

I glanced at the person sleeping next to me and an almost unnoticeable smile made its way to my face. Oliver was laying still asleep beside me. His lips were slightly parted and that made me remember the dream I just had. I could feel my face heat up. My grin soon disappeared and my blush grew when I found out I had a boner. This was all the dream's fault! I decided it would be best to take a cold shower and forget about it. I didn't take those very often, but today I knew I urgently needed one. I did my best to stay silent as to not wake him and got up, tiptoeing to the bathroom.

There I took off my pajamas and went to take a shower. After getting out (and rubbing one out because the cold water couldn't calm me down) I dried myself and felt much better. I sighed while looking at the person staring at me through the mirror. His hair was messy, but he looked well rested and I did indeed feel like that. As always I turned around and checked out my ass. It was slightly bigger than the average. My followers told me that once and I never forgot it, a bit proud of it.

However, I didn't have much muscle and my abs were nonexistent. Sure, I didn't have any belly fat, but l did resemble a fem boy. Although I hate comparing myself to one and I'm slightly taller. I'm not sure why.

What time was it? Because I felt as though I slept a really long time. I quickly wrapped a towel around my waist and exited the bathroom, making my way to the bed. I noticed Oliver was already awake and sitting at his side of the bed and staring at the wall. He seemed to be deep in thought because he didn't sense my presence at all.

"Good morning." I greeted him and glanced at the clock on my bedside table. 11 am. Oliver blinked a few times before turning to look at me. "Morning." he mumbled with an expression I couldn't quite describe. Not even a smile appeared on his face and I instantly knew something was wrong.

"You okay?" I asked worried. "Huh... oh yeah." was the response, but I wasn't convinced. Maybe he was still half asleep. I shrugged and ignored his weird behavior. "Anything specific you want for breakfast?" Oliver shook his head, still gazing at the wall. I sighed and left the room to put on some clothes and prepare something to eat.

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