chapter 12

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Oliver's POV

Two unknown figures were standing in front of me, their faces blurred, but I could still tell they were mad at me. But why? Why were they mad?

Their faces became clearer and I could now recognize them. But I wish I didn't. I saw my parents yelling at me, not understanding the words they said, but deep down I knew what they were telling me.

Because I've been through this situation before and it was unforgettable, always in the back of my mind. "Faggot", "Disgusting" and "Disappointed" were the words they kept repeating and that hurt me most. The ones I could never forget as they continued to say them throughout my life.

I found out I was gay at 11 years old. I had known I was different for some time, but it wasn't until I met a particular boy my age. He caught my eye right away and I developed a small crush. But my feelings grew as time passed and I decided to confess one day.

However, things didn't turn out the way I wanted them to. He rejected me and laughed at me, telling me liking another boy was disgusting and not normal. I did my best to hold back my tears to not embarrass myself any further and managed not to cry. But the boy spread a rumor about me that I was gay and other kids avoided me, only a few close friends remained. The rumor soon reached my parents ears and I knew it was over for me when they told me one evening they wanted to talk.

Our family was rich and my parents were extremely strict and religious and had always been outspoken about their disapproval of homosexuality. They made derogatory comments whenever the topic came up. So when they found out about me they threw homophobic slurs and insults at me. "Why can't our only son be normal?" "What are our friends going to think..." That night forever haunted me in my dreams.

They even went as far as introducing a girl to me and forced me to date her. I was only 12 years old and had no interest in her so when I didn't obey and talked back to them I earned an earful from my father.

I lived heartbroken and hid my feelings till I turned 18 and moved out right away with the money I saved for this very moment. I completely cut them out of my life and was happy when I was finally free. I got myself a small apartment just enough for me to live in. I started looking for jobs and they often hired me because of my good looks and my ability to be social. I always had the talent for acting, but never pursued the job of an actor.

I switched work places many times I don't even remember how many, but it was because I usually got a better offer somewhere else.

All of a sudden the scene changed and my parents disappeared. It was dark and I couldn't see anything. Until someone tapped me on my shoulder and I turned to face them.

A guy I knew oh so well stood before me with open arms and my body tensed at the sight of him. So many forgotten and painful memories came back.

"Not even a hug, Oli?" he asked sarcastically, a fake grin plastered on his handsome face. "Julian..." I heard my own voice's echo. He chuckled at the sight of me and turned around, walking away. "No!" I wanted to scream, but nothing came out and my legs wouldn't move. I longed to run after him. I still had a chance to catch up, but I soon questioned myself.

Why am I even trying so hard to get him back? After all the things he'd done to me. He had me wrapped around his little finger and when he got bored of me, he left and betrayed me. Julian is an asshole, he doesn't deserve me. I know that, but still... I can't forget him.

We met at one of my jobs and instantly became close. I could tell he was flirting with me and I didn't mind it at all. Sometimes I even flirted back. This continued on for a while before we started sleeping together. I was 20 years old and he was 2 years older.

It didn't take me long to catch feelings for him and I confessed the next day. To my luck, he liked me back so we started going out. It was the best time of my life when one day he told me he wanted to break up. Telling me I was too clingy and obsessed with him. His words hurt me, but I reassured him I would change. He got angry and frustrated and told me straight up how he was just playing with me all along and couldn't stand me. Our relationship lasted this long only because the sex was good, he said.

That broke my heart and I decided to never date again. I only did one night stands from then on.

Then I met him. Danny. The guy whose livestreams I stumbled on by chance and fell in love with right away. His body was perfect, his hips wide and ass bigger than average. His dick was the perfect length too. Since then I became his biggest fan, looking at his every broadcast. I soon remembered all his tiny details. One would say I became obsessed. But I wouldn't call it that. Even though it was probably true.

When I transferred to another company I noticed someone who looked like someone I knew, but I didn't know who. His body shape and his voice were all too familiar, but I wasn't sure from where. Could it be...

I decided to approach him and planned it all to end up at his house. After he had gone off to do something in the living room I knew this was my chance. So I searched. Looking everywhere.

Till I found it.

The black lingerie, my favorite. It really was him. A wicked grin made its way to my face. Now I could use him. Do things to him I only fantasized about. However, I decided against it. I almost listened to my parents who kept telling me to use others if it meant I got something out of it. And I didn't want to follow in their steps.

So when he came back I offered him a deal. He'd let me participate and I wouldn't tell anyone. I obviously didn't plan to tell anyone from the beginning.

After our first livestream I was the happiest man alive. I got to kiss him and do all those intimate things with him. Afterwards we spent the night and the whole Sunday together.

It was a dream come true.

I managed to almost completely forget my parents. Until today. Another nightmare about my childhood.

It was black around me and I couldn't see a thing. I drifted off to sleep and was glad that I didn't have deal with this dream anymore.

Finally peace.

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