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"Luke!" Cerce called from outside the door. She once again pounded on Luke's door. "Come on, we got to go!"

Luke flung open the door and stared at her coldly. He was in the middle of changing, and was missing his shirt.

"Nice," Cerce said without missing a beat. "Are you really going to be late to your own celebration?"

Luke groaned. "Leave me alone. We will get there in time." He turned back inside and put on a shirt.

Cerce practically dragged him outside the moment he was ready. Luke flipped her around and pulled her close. With a cocky grin, he snapped his fingers and they disappeared from the apartments.

They appeared in front of the school. The performance area where Mr. Wilberry had given his first speech when he had first arrived in Trabachi was now decorated with colors of red, yellow, and orange. People were already filling seats.

Luke spotted Daniel, arriving early just as predicted. He sat in the guest area with Riley leaning on his shoulder. Curtis sat in front of them, and he was sitting backwards in it so he could talk to them. When Daniel saw Luke, he sent him a smile.

"Looks like you guys are last to the party again." He grinned.

Luke looked around. Ms. Ratchet was chatting with his parents and a few other members of the school board. Silver was poking Brooke, who was in her water form.

"Maya isn't here," Luke pointed out.

A strange portal appeared in front of Luke and Maya stepped out.

"Rio is back in his own time." Maya said sadly. "It is too bad that he couldn't stay for this."

Everyone nodded.

"Ladies and Gentlemen." The King said stepping into view. He looked incredibly proud at that moment. "We are here today to honor a group of individuals who fought bravely for the Kingdom of Trabachi. These heroes that sit before us defeated a powerful foe that had killed many of our families and loved ones here on Trabachi." The King paused. "So I would like to honor these individuals for their unshakable bravery."

The King looked over to his wife, who stepped onto the stage and placed a box of medals on the floor.

"Kelly Ratchet"

Ms. Ratchet walked onstage and bowed before the king. Then she walked over to the queen and the queen placed a medal of honor around her neck.

"Maverick Sky"

"Lilith Sky"

"Brooke Oceana"

"Silva Gladius"

"Daniel Ledge"

"My daughter, Riley Trabachi"

Then the King stopped. He turned to the crowd.

"Now we have three individuals who dealt the final blow to the Godkid of Creation. These three were faced with a destiny would have overwhelmed anyone. But these three overcame that fear and saved the world and a lot of lives." The King smiled.

"The Godkid of Manipulation, Cerce Temple"

"The Godkid of Energy, Maya Sky"

The King paused one last time to give Luke a grin.

"And lastly, The Godkid of Destruction, Lucas Sky"

Luke proudly accepted his medal and bowed before the crowd. Everyone roared in applause for him. Then he sat back down. His looked over at Daniel.

"This was a pretty cool adventure." He whispered.

"You make it sound like it is all over."

Luke looked at him confused.

Daniel grinned. "You are the Godkid of Destruction. The adventure has only just begun."


Legend of The Godkids [Published]Where stories live. Discover now