Chapter 60

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Kelly was fired up.  "This is going to be good.  Finally, I can get her back for killing my parents."  She cracked her knuckles and grinned.

            "So you are the only other person besides the Godkid brat who has gotten away from me." Dolores Liech butted in.

            "It's payback time!" Kelly roared.

            It began to rain, but that didn't effect this battle.

            A snarling black dog-like creature appeared next to Kelly.  She created a jagged sword and pointed it at the Sister.

            The battle was about to begin.  Liech was the first to make a move.  Her shadow multiplied and came out of the ground.  Now the adult team faced fifteen shadow puppets.

            Mr. and Mrs. Sky had fought enemies who had a shadow ability before.  The only difference was that their opponent had hundreds of years to hone her ability.  Lily shook her back and wings formed.  She took to the skies.  With a powerful snap, the feathers on her wings flew off like rockets.

            Maverick was dancing between the shadows.  His top hat stayed on his head even while flipping and spinning over attacks.  He finally took off the hat and aimed it at some shadows.  He tapped the top of the hat carefully.  Then a blue beam shot out of the open end of the hat.  The beam cut the bottoms of a few shadows, causing them to disappear.

            Kelly Ratchet looked at her teammates.  They were doing well handling the shadows well, so she decided to take on the source.

            Mrs. Liech grabbed a shadow blade out of her own shadow.  Sparks flew as the two women clashed blades.  Kelly's dog, Cray, helped with the attack.  They coordinated their attacks so that Cray would snap and Liech's feet just as Kelly was about to strike.

            Even with this powerful combination, Liech was still able to defend herself.  With a snap of her fingers, Cray's shadow was brought to life and faced off against Cray.

            Now it was two on two.  Kelly tightened her grin on her sword.  Cray hunched itself over and bared its teeth at its own shadow.

            Ms. Ratchet and Cray attacked at the same time.  Cray dove on the shadow puppet and they began wrestling, both snapping at each other's necks.

            Kelly had been watching Lily and Maverick kill shadow puppets, and she quickly picked up on the trick.  You needed to separate their bodies from the ground.  And since she knew, Cray also knew.  It was an incredibly smart dog, and used its speed and agility to avoid fatal bites.  With one clean swipe of its paw, Cray cut off the legs of its opponent, separating it from the ground and thus, killing it.

            Lily swooped majestically around the sky, dodging gracefully as if she was in no danger at all.  She snapped her wings once more to fire her feather missiles.  She continued aerial spins and drops.  Lily hadn't been touched by a single shadow.  By this point, it was no longer raining.

            Maverick was so doing very well.  Mrs. Liech was producing shadows unconsciously now, but it was no problem.  Maverick threw playing cards into the air.  At their maximum height, blue beams shot out at all of the shadows.

            Ms. Ratchet was knocked across the field.  Liech was too powerful.  She couldn't defeat the Sister alone. 

            "Now do you understand?" Mrs. Liech grunted.  "It is hopeless."  She raised her sword.  "Join your parents in the afterlife!"  She swung the blade down on Ms. Ratchet.  Kelly closed her eyes and prepared to die.

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