Chapter 44

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            "Anyone who wants cake, the back tables are now serving dessert!" The King announced, breaking the awkward silence that had developed between Luke and Cerce over the past half an hour.

            But now, both eager to get up and do something, Luke and Cerce made their way over to the back tables where the food was being served.

            The slices were unlike anything they had ever seen.  They were giant slices that were all covered in frosting.

            "Alright!  They have vanilla!" Luke exclaimed as he grabbed a plate.

            Cerce merely stared at the massive amount of cake on the one plate.

            "I am taking two!" Luke grinned.

            Cerce stared at Luke's second slice, then at another that was on the table.  She bit her lip trying to decide whether or not to take it.

            "Oh just take one already!" Luke told her.

            "But I am watching my weight!" Cerce proclaimed.

            "No," Luke said shaking his head.  "You are watching that cake.  You can't have a staring contest with a piece of cake."

            "But I will get fat!"

            "Seriously?" Luke said amused.  "I didn't think you were the type to care about your weight."

            Cerce turned to Luke and put her hands on her hips.  "All girls worry about weight!  It is part of our nature.  We can't look good if we don't watch our weight."

            Luke raised an eyebrow.

            "Take the stupid cake,"

            "Fine!" Cerce said grabbing it.

            They both returned to their table.  Luke immediately began scarfing down his first piece.

            "Slow down!" Cerce yelled at him.  "You are going to get sick if you keep eating that fast."

            "But it is so good!"   Luke said happily.  "Try yours already."

            "It can't be that good," Cerce began.

            Luke shoved another piece into his mouth and stared at her.

            "Okay!" Cerce said backing down.  She took a bite.  Her face immediately lit up in delight.  It was the greatest piece of cake she had ever had in life.  She couldn't help but start eating a little faster as well.

            Luke watched her and laughed.  "You have frosting on your face" he chuckled as he pointed on his own cheek where Cerce had a glob of frosting.

            Cerce stuck out her tongue to reach it, but she couldn't reach.

            Then a wet touch sent a chill down Cerce's spine, and made her face very hot.

            Luke sat back and licked his lips.  "Mmm, delicious," he smiled.

            "W-what was that for?" Cerce said shaking.

            Luke shrugged.  "No sense is wasting cake right?"

            "You didn't have to..."

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