Chapter 10

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"Riley, I am losing circulation in my hand." Daniel complained.


"My hand will fall off!" He exclaimed. Then his voice became calm. "Riley, I am not asking you to let go of my hand, just loosen your grip okay?"

That seemed to be enough for Riley. With blushed cheeks, Riley loosened her death grip on Daniel's hand.

"This is amazing!" Cerce said when they finally got to the park. "We should play a game!"

"How about tag?" Cody suggested.

Luke smiled. Tag seemed to be a universal game, even if they weren't on Earth anymore.

"All in favor of tag?" Daniel asked everyone. They all put their hands up.

Riley placed her hand on Daniel's chest. Before he could react, he was launched twenty feet into a tree, which cracked on impact.

"Daniel, you are it." Riley said quickly. Then she took off before Daniel could yell at her.

Luke chuckled to himself as he ran into a heavily wooded area.

Cerce threw on her cloak and disappeared into the trees above Luke. Cody and Stanley followed shortly after.

Daniel stood up and brushed himself off. He looked around. That was when he noticed something off. Mallatie Park was a famous and historical site. While there was a park for children to play on, tourists from all over Trabachi would gather at this one site. That was the problem. Not a single soul was in the park besides Daniel and his friends.

Something was not right here. A creepy feeling swept over the area.

Daniel ran over to Luke, who was clearly visible behind a narrow tree.

"You found me!" Luke exclaimed. "I guess I am it."

Daniel stood on Luke side and spoke just above a whisper.

"Something is wrong. Stay on high alert and find everyone. We need to get out of here. Now."

Luke immediately understood the urgency in Daniel's voice. He darted off towards the playground to look for the others.

Daniel closed his eyes. He listened carefully to the surrounding area. He sensed everything now. He felt Luke's pounding feet as he ran off. He sensed Stanley's heavy breathing and Cody's light laughter.

Finally, his super senses picked up what he was looking for, except he didn't want what was happening to happen.

About twenty yards away, Riley was struggling against two men who had her by the arms.

Daniel ran as fast as he could. It was just as he thought. It was an assassination attempt on Riley. He had to save her.

"Guys!" He shouted. "Riley is in trouble!"

He already had his blades formed by the time he caught up to Riley's captors.

"Welcome Daniel Ledge." A skinny, bald man with sunglasses said. "You are just in time to watch her die." He held up a knife to Riley's throat, who was suspended in the air by ropes that were attached to the surrounding trees.

"Let her go!" Daniel growled as Cody, Luke, and Stanley joined him. Luke looked at Daniel. Never in his life had he seen so much anger and fear wrapped up in one person before. Daniel looked more than ready to tear that guy into shreds.

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