Chapter 46

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            "Thank you all for coming.  I am sorry to call you here on such short notice.  I have a favor that I have only ask the six of you."  The King said in his throne.

            Luke, Cerce, Riley, Daniel, Maya, and Rio were gathered in the throne room.  All were on one knee in respect to the King.

            Daniel spoke for the group.

            "What is your request?"

            "We have recently discovered that the Godkid of Creation has made his way to Earth."

            Everyone stood up in shock.

            "He is on Earth?" Daniel cried out.

            "Yes, and we believe he is building an army." The King continued.  "He can infect Norms and give them temporary abilities like us.  He will probably use them for his army to take over both of our worlds.  I have some of my best soldiers searching for Creation, but—"

            "You want us to hunt the ones he infected," Luke interrupted.

            The King looked baffled at first, but he quickly regained his composure.  "Yes.  I cannot sacrifice anymore members of the royal guard who are guarding Trabachi.  I don't have anyone else I can rely on for this.  Of course, I don't need you to actually go out and fight the Godkid of Creation, but I need someone to take out the army he is building up."

            "So we are going to Earth?" Cerce said excitedly.

            "Yes.  You will be investigating an area in America that has received strange reports of humans with superpowers.  You will enter a school nearby as cover."

            "Earth school huh?  Sounds interesting!" Daniel grinned.

            Cerce looked dazed.  "Earth.  Home."

            "You can count on us!" Luke said saluting the King.

            "Good."  The King said relieved.  "You are registered to start school at Molly High School in two days.  The train leaves in four hours.  Please go and pack your things."  King Ronald stood up.  "You are all dismissed."

            As they walked outside, Luke pulled Rio aside.

            "I am in an Altaisis now.  Teach me more fire techniques.  I need to master my new abilities and fast."

            Rio nodded.

            Luke pulled out the Triblade.  He sighed.  "I don't know how to swordfight."

            Rio shook his head.  "Neither do I,"

            Luke groaned.  "I guess I will have to go to him then."

            Before they knew it, Luke, Cerce, Daniel, Riley, Maya and Rio were boarded onto the train and headed to Earth.

            "I can't believe this."  Cerce said excitedly.  She was swinging both feet like a little kid.

            "You better believe it girly."  Toby said entering the train car.  "We have important business to attend to.  This isn't a game anymore."

            "Then how come we need a babysitter?"  Luke said sighing.

            "I am here to help you guys!  Besides, you all are too young to rent apartments by yourselves.  You need me as a guide to." Toby added.  "Now we need to go over some rules so that no one blows their cover."

            "That's right," Maya nodded.  "Daniel, Riley, and Rio have never been to Earth.  We have to prep them so they know some of Earth's customs."

            "Don't worry about me Lady Maya," Rio told her.  "I have been to Earth many times before."

            "You have?" Maya said surprised.

            Rio nodded.  "Yes.  The humans even thought of me as one of their gods."

            "Really?" Luke said amazed.

            "I was the God Satan!" Rio said proudly.

            Everyone froze at the sound of the word.

            "What is wrong?  Isn't that cool?" Rio said confused.

            "Satan was the lord of the Underworld!  He murdered people!"

            "It was only five people!"  Rio said defensively.  "They got all freaked out because I killed a few of their leaders."

            "How could you do that Rio?"  Maya said concerned.

            "I was doing my job eliminating evil humans who abused their abilities."

            "Satan was supposed to be evil."

            "What?  I saved those people from a cruel leader!" Rio frowned.

            Everyone laughed as Rio pouted.

            Cerce looked out the window and couldn't stop shaking.  She had been waiting for this moment for so long.  Earth.

            After five long years, Cerce was finally going home.

Legend of The Godkids [Published]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora