Chapter 12

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         When has he ever been this horny? His punishing schedule and the rules that he had agreed with Dr Rosenmato meant that he was turning in the worst mission reports of his life, as he raced home to rub one out, amongst all the things he had amassed over the past few months. Now taking up a position as head-curator of his own private gallery memorizing their fucks.

"You should not be keeping trophies Kakashi."

Well, no shit, Dr Rosenmato.

Alarm blaring, Kakashi was momentarily lost in the morning fog after another restless night spent being haunted by Anko who was now a nurse and also very concerned about his prostate...

Fuck my life.

With an air of resignation, Kakashi stood and began to strip the bed, something glinted aggressively in his peripheral vision.

"What?" Kakashi mumbled. "I'm giving you back."

Gleaming violently now as if catching the morning ray and shooting it back into his face, full of accusations.

"You're not making me feel good about myself here."

Pulling the drawer open, he swept the necklace off the top of his table - and away.

Kakashi had not been grocery shopping in so long. His kitchen could only offer off the most meager and unexciting of meals -plain rice and some sad vegetables.

Grabbing a bowl first, Kakashi yanked the cutlery drawer towards him, a tinny rattle rang out as the utensils settled again. But he hesitated, hands hovered over the chopsticks.... Chopsticks that could be used to poke, and rap knuckles and placed in a wide mouth to make false fangs...

Just use a spoon, Hatake.

Taking a spoon and too big a bite of his dinner, he slid the drawer closed. Heading for the sofa, he had just cracked open his book before he heard a loud knock at the door.

"Hi, can I help you?" Kakashi asked.

"Delivery for Miss Anko Mitarashi?"

"Uh, there's been a mistake. You sh-"

"No, pal," He said, shoving the clipboard under Kakashi's nose. "Look, we tried to make a delivery on three occasions, each time failed. See?"

Kakashi took the clipboard.

"Gotta return it to the invoice address," he explained. Kakashi scoured the delivery times and dates, frowning. How was it possible? Iruka - the little shit -had given him her schedule on the promise that Kakashi would deliver a careers day assembly at the academy.

Ugghh - he would have to do an assembly!

A thought that filled Kakashi with remorse - why had he ever agreed to those terms.

"She - uh- left a message..." The delivery man tapped the clipboard, embarrassed. It was directly underneath Kakashi's neat, carefully chosen original message:

"Hope we're square now Anko! :)"

Smiley face? Was I drunk?

Kakashi had seen it at the time, just like a bad jutsu combination that would be deflected in seconds and of course he had been right.

As he looked at the ugly, barely legible scrawl- he saw and felt the residue of her anger in the kanji:



Kakashi -


A Bad Time for Poor JudgementWhere stories live. Discover now