chapter twenty

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AURORA RESTED HER POUNDING HEAD AGAINST the wall of her mothers basement. at the moment she sat in a cell, with nothing but a bed and a toilet surrounding her. this was aurora's fault. she trusted to easily and that was her problem.

ddot always told her about it. 'stop trusting niggas so easy. these niggas don't care bout you' he would always say, but aurora ignored it.

gulping back her tears , she bit her lip angrily. it was no one's fault but hers. she got herself into this mess. getting her get back for mekhi was a mistake. it got her killed in the end.

heels clicked against the marble floors, shaking aurora out her thoughts. her mother came into her eyesight , making her frown.

"hi baby." catherine cooed, titling her head. "i missed you so much."

"no you didn't. otherwise you wouldn't be trying to kill me. you got that ugly bastard to shoot me!" aurora exclaims weakly.

catherine shakes her head, "no no baby you don't understand. that wasn't me. i didn't want to hurt you. but i couldn't control it."

"mmcht so whatchu got two personalities?" aurora snorts. catherine nods looking over to the side.

she pulls the stool that sat by the gate of the cell closer to her, taking a seat.

"i have DID aurora."

"your lying." - "i'm not. as a child growing up, i was abused. not only from my mother, but from any male she brought into the house. my siblings as well."

"i was the outcast of the family. they called me weird & said i killed my dad. when he died, everything went downhill. he was what stopped the abuse."

"a month after his death, my mother started hitting me. beating me, punishing me. everybody joined in, it's cliche i know."

"she was my mother. i had the best relationship with her." catherine gulps, wiping her face. "at such a young age i thought abusing meant love. i was a fool not to notice it didn't mean that."

"i was being abused until i turned 15, i had ran away. got into some shit i shouldn't have." she softly says. "i'm sorry aurora. i was just so ... hurt that i took it out on you. i seen what a great bond you had with your father, and it took a toll on me. seeing that is what made me get checked for did. doctors said i had it since i was 11, but it never really popped out i guess."

aurora rubs at her eyes to stop the tears. she still hated her mother but hearing her story.. it made her chest hurt.

"i'm so sorry baby." catherine cried, her head falling into her hands. "i'm so sorry." she whispers, her body shaking.

"it's okay." aurora mutters. "why don't you let me go?"

"i can't." catherine snaps, her mood suddenly changing. aurora gasps, moving back. their it was, she was a completely different person. aurora seen the switch happen with clear eyes.

"you can't leave me. i won't let you leave me." catherine snarls. aurora nods shakily, "ok. i won't ask anymore."

catherine sends a tight grin before getting off the stool and walking off.

aurora wiped her face, "i need to get out of here."

"no point." a voice whispered. aurora's head snapped to the cell to the right of her, shocked that someone else was down here with her. the voice sound familiar, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

"whatchu work for my mother?" aurora sighs, rolling her eyes. "more like i've been kidnapped by your mother."

"who are you?" aurora cautions. the unknown voice steps into the light.

"m-mekhi?" she stuttered. mekhi sent a wave, "hey rory."

last thing aurora saw was the face of her brotherly figure, darkness appeared as her body hit the ground.


NOTTI WINCES, rubbing the spot where he was shot. "how's dd?" he asks kay.

the entire group somehow still trusted kay, but blove? he was now seen as a enemy. they couldn't bring up any of their plans to him any more.

"he's fine. y'all can be released today." kay cleared his throat. "something you wanna say?"

"jay called ddot. he's in his way." kay muttered, looking down at the floor.

"why the fuck would y'all let him do that?" notti snaps. "we need his help nigga why wouldn't we call!"

"he fuckin left. for no reason! you can't jus call him and allow him back into our plans." notti spat glaring at cblu.

"ya plans? nigga be fr. y'all ain get anywhere. you should be lucky i'm back fuck." ddot scoffed. all eyes landed on him, the boy who stood by the door.

notti eyes hardened. "oh you wanna come back now? we don't need you."

"ian come back for you bitch boy. only came cause we saving aurora."

"damn. you not gon ask if i'm okay? how i feel? i got shot." notti let out a bitter chuckle. "your still alive right? oh rd."

ddot waved him off, going to sit in one of the chairs. he had no clue as to how he got here so fast, but he was surprised himself.

notti sucked his teeth. "so what we doin? what's the plan."

"we gotta find where catherine is at."

"did you ever find mekhi?"

"no.." ddot trailed off, suddenly remembering kay flock being there when mekhi was shot. his eyes landed on kay who stared at the floor with no emotion.

"yo kay." the said boy looked up confused, "wassup?"

"you got sum you wanna tell us?"

"already told you bout da messages." kay sighed. "ian talkin bout da messages nigga. fuck was you doin at mekhi's house with blove when he was shot."

kay's heart dropped. "how you kno bout dat?"

"the fuck is he talkin bout?" dougie asks, nudging kay who ignores him. "this nigga knows sum we don't so say it. get it off ya chest."

"i don't kno anything gangsta. i only drove him & blove to the hospital. we got told he died."

"he didn't die." ddot mutters, rubbing his eye. "what?"

sighing harshly, he began to tell. "the hospital said someone paid them to hide the true documents of mekhi. the doctor that told you mekhi died lied. he was still alive."

"he's out there somewhere along with his close friend saint. what we need to do is find saint. he might kno where mekhi is." ddot finishes.

ion rlly like dis chap, but i hope y'all do.
should i do a flashback into catherine's life?


but what y'all think bout dis? lmk

𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 , sugarhill ddot (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now