It hits me like a sack of rocks. It's so thick, I struggle to keep my hands to myself. Charlie may simply think we're screwing, but it's another thing entirely to be doing it.

"Are you both going to pretend I don't know that you're avoiding the question?"

"Well," Chris starts, eyes pealed behind me. "What about the Syndicates?"

"What about them?" I ask, motioning to the massive screens beyond me. They're fluttering and flickering information so fast I know Charlie cannot read it. Chris' attentions remain there, studying them as his mind whirls. "They're fine."

"The appointment said the Syndicates were vulnerable."

"Without proper updates, any security system is." I turn partially, pointing to the screen on the left side. "This is normal procedure."

"Are we supposed to know what Syndicates are?"

"They're organisms... Striker four, Series four." With a flick of my wrist, a 3D image pops up. It takes the shape of the newest Syndicate, exhibiting it in all its glory. "It's manufactured for offensive attackers in high numbers. They operate in a hive mentality—all for the one together. As the fourth iteration and a four on the graduated danger scale, it's halfway up the mark to strike.

Most of the time, they aren't the ones who respond to events of national security. They aren't as easily controlled as you'd think. To use these organisms require a high level of planning, execution and constant connection to the systems for safety measures."

"Are they a danger to the populace?"

Chris' question leaves a sour taste in the back of my mouth. I loathe thoughts doubts. Doubts fester and become uninformed decisions, costing lives. It takes all I have to not immediately shut him down.

He doesn't deserve it. He, like Charlie, have every right to question what we do here. They are hired to protect me and they can't do it without knowing what they're up against. The shitshow at Darcy's is enough evidence to the fact.

Slowly, my eyes raise to Charlie. His steady gaze meets mine, darkening as time stretches before I answer. How long would it be before he's the one on the operating table?

How long would it be before my enemies—whoever they are—discover there's someone else in the midst who's vulnerable? I don't want him to suffer the same fate as Chris, driven to accept the augmentation or suffer death. Transitioning from normal to augmented was jarring enough, he didn't need the added stress.

On the trip here, Chris and I had to re-evaluated the way we grab things. He'd ripped four doorknobs out, dented two walls and accidentally tore a door off its hinges, all before noon. A little encouragement and some caution helps, but I can tell he worries about hurting me.

I had to remind him about last night.

Bruises color my skin. They're the shapes of his powerful hands from sinking into my legs, hips and waist. While he fucked me, I didn't have time to consider how tightly he was holding me.

All I could do was beg—tighter, harder, deeper.

Shivering, I drag my gaze to his. His eyes flicker and a smirk curls the edges of his mouth. The caress of his systems slipping along mine nearly makes my eyes roll back.

He's right. We should be fucking, not working.

"No, Chris." I speak, finally freeing the two words from my lips. "They're safe when properly taken care of, but as we saw with Darcy, some of them havent been dilligent. This update—whether they like it or not—will be forced into every Syndicate."

"Won't that effect how they work?" Charlie moves around me, sauntering to stand closer to the screen displaying the Syndicate. Empty red eyes stare from it's mental face bound by black polyvinyl chloride cable and fashioned steel. It sounds human, but a quick glance will expose all you need to know. "What if they're in combat?"

"73% are currently in combat." Iris says. "8% are currently on the production floor, pending tests, 12% are in active combat zones as escorts, and the remaining 8% are in wind-down assessments."

Charlies pauses, "Wind-down Assessments?"

Again, Iris answers before I can. "If the organism cannot be refurbished due to substantial damage or other issues, after the assessment, they are decommissioned."

Smirking, Charlie looks back at me. "Fancy speech to say they're destroyed when they reach end of life. I'm concerned how to will effect the organisms in combat though. This has to create a lag."

"In a way," I nod, "but nothing too worrisome. The update is rolled out in stages. Think of the Syndicates as members of a hive or of an ant. There is a Queen—me—and I get to decide what happens and when.

A message is sent out, first to the closest organisms and it feathers out with the assistance of those already updated. In the combat zones, those first to receive the message will flood the front lines until everything is complete."

"And if things go wrong?" Chris asks. "What if they don't accept the update?"

I grin. "They must or the others will terminate them."

"And what about the Rioter? Am I to believe it was an isolated event?"

"It should be," Sinking a hand into my hair, I plop onto the table. I'd forgotten about Darcy's company in the rush to sate my desires. I needed answers and we still weren't there yet. "Weren't you involved with hunting Darcy down, Charlie?"

"I was." He nods, stuffing a hand into his pocket. "Perfect."


"Ryker wants to see us—all of us."

Casting a confused glance at Chris, I stand. "For what and why didn't he call me?"

"He needed to speak with her first, but things are ready." Charlie explains away. "You're going to want to hear what she says. Let's get a move on."

I follow him out of the door, Chris on my heels. As we move toward Ryker's office, my wind turns over possibly augmenting Charlie. Truth is, I don't know enough about him to ask something so permanent of him, but I may have to.

"Where are you from, Charlie?" He stiffens at my words, tilting his head to throw a concerned glance my way. "If we're going to work together, I might as well get to know you."

"Okay." His head bobs and he slows. "Let's play 21 questions, Princess."

The Six: Genesis | A Reverse Harem NovelWhere stories live. Discover now