Arc V - Better This Way - Part 6

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Xiao Zhan jumped to his feet, but his legs got tangled in the blanket, causing him to stumble and hit his shin on the coffee table. He winced loudly as he hopped away in an effort to free himself and put as much space between himself and the couch as possible. Meanwhile, Yibo struggled to stand up as his father approached the sitting area.

"Dad. What are you doing here? Mom said you wouldn't be here until New Year," he said, flustered.

"Is that a way to greet your father?" Asked the man in an authoritarian tone as he dropped a few paper bags containing gifts in the very spot Xiao Zhan had occupied on the couch seconds before.

"Sorry. I'm just surprised," said Yibo, his head bowing slightly. "It's nice to see you," he added meekly.

Xiao Zhan had never met Yibo's father before, and the man usually didn't mention him unless it was to provide context or factual information. However, seeing how submissive his entire demeanour had suddenly become, Xiao Zhan now had a good idea of why he rarely came up in conversation. In any other context, this would have been a simple observation, but at this moment, Mr. Wang's strict aura felt like a threat. And yet, when he turned to face Xiao Zhan, his expression immediately softened into a customer service attendant's polite and affable mien.

"This is..." Began Yibo, his words rushed.

His father ignored him.

"You must be Xiao Zhan. Yibo's mother told me about you," he said, extending a hand across the coffee table but not introducing himself.

"Yes, I am," he replied as he struggled to bring himself to a more neutral state. "It's a pleasure to meet you," he added, responding to the handshake.

Just like his son, Yibo's father had large hands and engulfed his almost completely. Before the older man let go, he squeezed him uncomfortably hard. It was only for a fraction of a second, and the smile on Mr. Wang's face didn't falter. Xiao Zhan couldn't help but feel that this was some sort of warning.

Before Xiao Zhan and Yibo could recover, Mr. Wang seized complete control of the situation.

"Mr. Xiao, I need to catch up with my son," he said, raising an eyebrow. Because of the angle at which he was standing, only Xiao Zhan could see it. The message couldn't have been any clearer.

"I hope you won't mind if I ask you to give us some alone time?" The older man continued, his head slightly cocked.

Xiao Zhan flashed Yibo a quick glance, and their eyes met just long enough for Yibo to make it clear that he didn't want him to leave. Xiao Zhan returned his gaze to the older man. He swallowed his nervousness and spoke.

"Of course. I'm sure you have many things to talk about," he heard himself say in a cheerful tone he didn't mean. "I'll see you tomorrow morning, Ah-... Yibo," he continued, once again turning to face him. The man's shoulders slumped, and he nodded with resignation before averting his gaze.

Xiao Zhan quickly grabbed his jacket from the back of the fauteuil and walked to the door without turning back. Neither Yibo nor his father said anything as he stepped out.

Xiao Zhan sat on his bed with a sigh and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. He stared at his hands. Just how much had Yibo's father been able to see in the darkness? The way he'd shouted Yibo's name made it clear that he'd seen "something" at the very least. They hadn't been kissing at that point, but from the door, it would have looked like they were. The interruption had been frustrating, but in a way, he was glad it had happened at that moment and not later. Regardless of how much Mr. Wang had been able to see, he had no doubt that had he managed to confess, Yibo's father might have walked in more than just hugs and slow kisses.

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