Arc III - Out of the Frying Pan - Part 6

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Xiao Zhan felt his phone vibrate in his pocket as he got off the elevator. He stepped aside, pulled it out and saw a message from Chiyou.

"WY's uncle's passport hasn't been flagged at any airport, port or land crossings. Could exit the country illegally. Will keep you posted."

He sighed, unsure whether to take this as good or bad news. He'd told Chiyou about Yibo's uncle and the missing money, and she'd immediately agreed to help. While he was working, she'd made a few calls, and before the end of the day, she'd declared the problem was in good hands. He hadn't been quite sure what to make of her words, and the presence of other people had prevented him from asking her, but now, seeing her message, he came to the sudden realization that she must have highly placed friends to be able to get such information on such short notice. If she lived in that rarified world, it would also explain how she could afford such a suite. Still, he was amazed that he hadn't known about it until now. Had he been too self-centred to notice anything?

He put his phone back in his pocket and walked toward Yibo's room. As he neared the nurses' station, he saw an elementary school-age girl sitting behind the counter. She was focused on doing some kind of homework. The child must have heard him coming because she looked up and greeted him with a beaming smile as soon as he was close enough. As he responded in kind, he noticed that she had Down Syndrome. Delighted by the successful interaction, she began to talk in Korean. He had no idea what she was saying, but he did his best to pay close attention and nodded where he felt was appropriate as she showed him various pictures of animals in her school workbook. The exchange continued for a moment, Xiao Zhan eventually repeating the words she said once he understood that she was trying to teach him. When he mispronounced anything, she would let out a giggle and clap her hands as if it was the funniest thing in the world. He couldn't help but laugh along with her.

Suddenly, Head Nurse Lee appeared behind the counter as if materializing out of thin air. Before Xiao Zhan could say anything, she grabbed the book from the child's hand and scolded her. Startled, the little girl began to cry, yet rather than talking back or running away, she grabbed onto the nurse's waist and wouldn't let go as she wailed ever louder. Head Nurse Lee ignored her and bowed her head at Xiao Zhan as she repeatedly apologized while avoiding making eye contact. He tried to tell her it was fine, but they were both incapable of understanding each other. She eventually took the child by the arm and whisked her away to some room behind the nurses' station, and closed the door. Xiao Zhan could still hear the muffled sounds of the little girl's sobs and couldn't help but feel sorry for her, wondering if he should do something. Then, he remembered that Nurse Jang had told him about Head Nurse Lee having a child. Judging by how she handled her, this must have been her daughter. He decided that it would be unwise to intervene.

He still lingered for a moment, expecting Head Nurse Lee to come back once the child had calmed down, but after a while, he simply made his way to Yibo's room. The whole incident had unsettled him, so instead of knocking when he came up to the closed door, he simply opened it and walked in.

Hand still on the doorknob, he was surprised to find himself face to face with a nurse undressing Yibo. He was naked from the waist down, and although his elevated leg hid most of his crotch from view, Xiao Zhan's face flushed bright red, and he immediately averted his eyes.

"I'm so sorry!" He blurted before walking back out.

As faith would have it, Nurse Jang had decided to arrive at that very moment, and he bumped into her as he retreated, almost knocking her to the floor.

"Sorry!" He repeated as he twisted to grab her arm and right her. As soon as their eyes met, he was reminded of her altercation with Soobin and felt second-hand embarrassment.

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