Chapter 1-Trinken High

Start from the beginning

But I found none quite so interesting and striking as the couple I had just seen. I saw a group of boys who looked to be the school footballers. They were laughing and boasting, showing off to girls. Another group of girls, cheerleaders I bet you, were swooning and batting their eyelashes at the boys. One looked up to the reception and caught my eye as the rain ran down his long-ish brown hair. He sniggered suddenly as I blushed and pointed to me. I looked down and turned away from the window, I had a feeling he recognised me as the girl with the Porche.

I turned back to Rachel who was looking at me carefully and slightly nervously. She relaxed slightly when I met her gaze smiling, and beckoned me over.

"Don't worry about them Katia, avoid the footballers, and the cheerleaders. Everyone does. Anyway, I've called the head-girl up to show you around. You can always ask someone if you get lost during the day. Samantha started here in year seven (for those Americans among you, this is British secondary school starting age, 11) and has contributed to the school hugely, and has always been immensely popular. She's in the upper sixth (age 17/18) now, so is in her last year," Rachel said.

Just as she finished speaking, a tall girl walked through the door that read 'to school'. I nearly gasped as I realised that she was Blondie that I had seen just minutes before. She was more striking up close, and she certainly didn't look like she wanted anyone messing with her. I doubted she was chosen for eternal kindness.

"Hi," she said, "I'm Samantha Horson, but my boyfriend calls me Sam, as do my family," she introduced herself, holding out her slim hand.

I shook it firmly, and smiled at her. She returned my smile and, after thanking Rachel, led the way out of reception. Samantha explained the very simple lunch system (like a cafe) and led the way to each department. I was taking maths, biology, English and French for A-level, so I made sure I could locate those buildings. Each classroom was numbered consecutively among department and teachers' offices were located near the staff room.

As Samantha led the way to the sports building, she gave me a little advice.

"Just some advice Katia, ignore the footballers and their girlfriends. Ignore the cheerleaders. And keep to yourself, in a big school like Trinken, it takes little time to find the people for you. And hell, once you do keep them close," she said as she showed me the swimming pool.

I nodded, slightly awed by the size and contents of Trinken High, and followed her to the lockers. I thanked her and she rolled her eyes at someone behind me as we approached my locker.

"You're welcome, but look out for Alice Williams, she's a great friend but...well I'll let you figure it out," Samantha said, winking.

I gulped and thanked her again. When she had turned away, I looked in the direction she had been watching, and saw a short, hyper girl who looked younger than me. She had jet black hair which was cut in a pixie style and her skin had that same shimmering look as Samantha's. When she saw me staring at her, she squealed and ran over to me.

"Hey! You must be Katia Brown. I'm Alice, Alice Williams. Was that Sam I just saw you with? Have you met Matthew yet? Or Jake? And..." she began excitedly, but was interrupted my a boy who looked about my age.

"Calm down Alice, give the girl a chance!" he chuckled.

I looked at him gratefully and began to answer Alice's questions.

"Yes I'm Katia, yes I was with Samantha. I have no idea who those boys are. And are you in my year?" I asked curiously.

"Yes I'm in your year!" she said, less hyper now, "And this is Matthew, or Matt, my boyfriend. Jake is the big rugby player. He's Sam's boyfriend and acts like a complete child."

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