Chapter 21: A Tank to A Gun Fight

Start from the beginning

"You've got a healthy disrespect for authority, Soap. I like that about you. But good dogs do what they're told."

"You would know." Soap growled back, "You're Shepherd's lapdog. You get paid to break the rules!"

Soap picked up a charge from a case as he talked. Keeping Graves talking was good, it kept him from just firing like crazy at them.

"There are only two rules here boys. Walk away of win. Guess which one I choose!"

Soap carefully peeked out of the building, preparing to move to the next one. Watching to make sure he wasn't about to get obliterated by a tank.

"Not sure how you managed to survive that shot I gave you, Soap. That's done the trick on all the other werewolves I've dealt with. Figured you'd crawled off to die with your tail between your legs. Should have gone home when you had the chance. You and that asshole in the mask. All of you dangerous freaks, hiding behind that uniform."

"You wore that uniform." Soap reminded him.

"That uniform was a limitation. I shed that skin."

Soap snuck through another building and peaked out just in time to see the tank moving around the corner. He quickly darted out in its blind spot and tossed the pack of C4 down on the tread before retreating back inside. The whole building shook and rubble rained down as it fired in his direction. He moved away quickly as part of the wall collapsed.

"Like a fuckin' snake." Soap muttered as he ran in the opposite direction. Detonating the charge.

He heard Graves curse as he took damage before firing back, "Like a fuckin' soldier son!"

Rudy moved around the side of another building and placed a charge of his own, running away to detonate it. He looked back when he had cover, checking the tank's status.

"The tank is taking damage! Hit it again!" He told Soap.

Soap continued distracting him with conversation, "You had to make your own little army 'cause you couldn't hack it in the real one!"

Graves laughed, "That's almost funny coming from you. But then again, I remember my first rodeo too. I made my team to deal with threats to our world. Including monsters like you."

"You'll hang for this." Soap told him.

"Knock that honor shit off, Johnny. I'll be sipping tequila, forgetting where I buried your ass in a week. You'll be just another tally added to my monster repertoire."

Soap cringed at the name only meant for Ghost. He managed to find another pack of C4 in the next training structure. It took him a bit to locate the tank this time as it must have been looking for Rodolfo. He ran past and chucked it into the treds again.

"Hey Rodolfo! Don't go thinking los uno, quatro, uno are su amigos. 'Cause they ain't. Ellos no le gusta usted. Quando estees completo, los amigos will drop Los Vaqueros like a bad fucking habit, brother. Comprende?"

Rudy let out an audible snort at him, "He's an asshole and he's shit at Spanish."

That made Graves fire in the direction he thought Rudy was in, giving Soap another opportunity to place a charge and run back. The back of the tank was smoking and had flames licking up the side of it. Graves was going to be too stubborn to get out of it just yet though.

Rudy hurried around another corner, finding a case with more of the explosive and ran as close as he was able to get himself to throw it at the tank again. The sight of the fire was making his mouth go dry, but his hatred for Graves was stronger than his fear of the flames in the moment. He practically ran into Soap as it detonated, sending the whole tank up with it. Soap moved to cover Rudy with his body, taking little bits of shrapnel. But he would heal far faster than the siren so he didn't mind.

When the falling of little tank bits ceased Soap slowly stood up from his hunched position around Rodolfo and looked around. The tank was still flaming but it had been blown to hell. He looked down at a shaking Rudy who had his hands covering his ears and slowly eased them off.

"Y'alright, Bubbles?"

Rudy nodded, "Yeah. M'good. You?"

Soap nodded before letting out a bark of laughter.

"You did it, Soap!" Rudy congratulated.

Soap shook his head, "You and me, hermano."

Rudy was sure that if Soap had his tail right now it would be wagging out of control.

"Brought a gun to a tank fight." He commented.

"Yeah we did." Soap's eyes flashed as he grinned.

Soap quickly spoke into his radio, "Soap to Ghost. I'm with Rudy. Graves is KIA. How's Price?"

"Angry. Lost a good cigar in the crash. Pilot's okay too. Out." Ghost replied.

Soap let out a weary sigh of relief.

Rudy spoke into his radio next, "Alejandro. La base está asegurada. Graves está muerto. Estamos en camino."

Soap placed a hand on Rudy's back to lead him away from the fire. As they walked off the training field Rudy glanced at him.

"You called me 'Bubbles'?" He asked, confused.

Soap nodded and smiled, "Just felt right."

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