Start from the beginning

I looked down to see it was just shards of broken glass on the floor that led to a jacked up phone in a corner  near the wall

What the hell? Did this girl seriously smash her phone against the wall?

What was the reason? I asked myself picking the broken phone off the floor to closely examine it and sure enough the phone was broken beyond repair with its wires hanging out carelessly

I sighed making a mental note in my head to pick heaven up a new phone today and later to ask why she did what she did 

I made my way over to heavens bathroom preparing myself to take a quick shower when I heard Heaven mumble out in her sleep "I won't"

I brushed it off as she was just dreaming it wasn't abnormal to do so I kept on my way

I finished my shower and was now dressed and ready to go I stopped by the nightstand and pulled out the drawer to pull out a pen and a piece of paper to write Heaven a note

good morning gorgeous went out on a couple errands will be back soon we need to have a serious conversation when I get back also I love you remember that

Your husband

I kissed heavens forehead before proceeding to make my way out of her bedroom I looked out and made sure the coast was clear then quietly shut the door

I made my way into the kitchen where I saw Jennifer casually leaning against the kitchen counter talking on the phone

as immature of me that it sounded I was kind of pissed off with Jennifer for making Heaven want to end things with me but at the end of the day I understand that it was only Heaven and I in the wrong in this situation the only thing is me and heaven were way too far into this for me to care anymore

''the fuck do you mean you're booked I fucking placed a reservation for this place two months ago so I know your fucking lying to me right now I have an important event planned for tomorrow now what the fuck am I supposed to do!''

I thought about trying to avoid Jennifer and make my way straight to the door seeing as how things went for me last night with heaven but Jennifer's heated conversation on the phone had made me curious to see who it was she was talking to like that and what event was so important at the end of the day she was still my niece

"yes it is your fucking fault I shouldn't have to check in for a reservation that I set up my damn self you must not know who th--

once I stepped into the kitchen and Jen noticed my presence she looked at me then angrily slammed her phone down while ending the phone call that was obviously not going anywhere

"Everything okay?" I asked nervously

"y-yeah I'm sorry about that I made an apparent mistake 2 months ago no worries though ill just handle it myself on a day's notice" She snatched her phone off the counter aggressively and began typing away paying me no mind

''anything I can help you with?''

''Thanks but probably not don't worry about it I'm just setting up arrangements for heavens birthday"

heavens birthday?

"Birthday? I love birthdays" I said attempting to play this out nonchalantly

"Cool," said still paying me no mind

" what are you planning" I tried to ask in a way that made it seem as if I hadn't really cared but my tone came out to be more demanding than I intended it to be

Our Little Secret {BWWM} (editing)Where stories live. Discover now