Beginne am Anfang

"Yeah, I'm not his caretaker." I rolled my eyes. "Now, can we please go? I'm hungry!"

Draco's POV

I woke up when the sunlight hit my face from the window. I sat up, yawning, realising it was the weekend. I almost wanted to sink back into the couch. I turned to see the bed already being made, which meant Potter had already left for breakfast.

My stomach growled. I hadn't eaten anything since the sweets I had had on the train. Skipping dinner was perhaps not my best decision. But I would have thrown up anyway if I had tried to force it down.

After freshening up, I got dressed and went down to the candidates' common room. What I found odd was the common room was awfully silent. There wasn't a single person in the dormitory, which scared me, thinking I had missed something.

Unsure of where to go, I hurried into the great hall. There were a couple of students having their breakfast and the elves cleaning the rest of the place. None of the candidates was to be seen.

I checked my pocket watch: 7:13. I cursed under my breath. Where was I supposed to find the candidates' group at this goddamn place?

I noticed a couple of girls walking past me.

"Excuse me," I called them, "Do you know where the candidates are?"

One of the girls shook her head as she pressed her lips. "Sorry, I don't know."

"I think," one of her friends spoke up, "According to Headmistress McGonagall's announcement last night, the candidates were supposed to report in an empty classroom beside the astronomy tower's courtyard (see the map in Introduction for more info) at 7."

"Shit!" I cursed. "Thanks!" I turned to leave, but the girl stopped me.

"You're Draco Malfoy, right?" she asked.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"I'm Natalie Harris." She blushed. "I'm in your potion and charms class for the sixth year."

"Alright," I said, unable to say anything else. Before Natalie could say something else, I took off.

Crossing the long Viaduct bridge, I reached the north courtyard. I was almost out of breath when I got to the empty classroom. I entered the room — a fashionable forty minutes late.

Professor McGonagall stopped speaking as all the heads turned to me.

"Mr Malfoy," Professor McGonagall addressed me, "Why are you late?"

Instead of answering, I lowered my head and apologised. "I'm sorry, Professor."

"Didn't you hear my announcement last night? No late-comers will be entertained."

I kept my eyes low. "I wasn't... I wasn't there."

"Then, isn't your partner's responsibility to inform you?" McGonagall said. "Mr Potter?" She gave Potter a disapproving look.

I glanced at Potter, who gave the headmistress a sheepish grin. "I assumed Malfoy would wake up by himself," he excused.

I rolled my eyes, and the headmistress sighed.

"This won't be entertained the next time," she said. "Mr Malfoy, you may now sit beside your partner."

Nodding, I took a seat next to Potter, not looking at his face.

Harry's POV

I shifted as Malfoy sat beside me with one of his legs out as if he didn't want to sit there. Well, I wasn't very excited about having him as my partner either.

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