Time For Some Rest

Start from the beginning

Nora: what's the order?

(y/n): the order of the sword. it's a religious group that worships the Grimm knight Sparda as their savior. I personally don't believe in it but I know my mom was a member of the order before she...

Ren: I'm sorry for your loss. Maybe it would help if you told us about her.

(y/n): you all probably know who she is already but my mom is Lucina Sparda.

JNPR in unison: Lucina Sparda?!

(y/n): yep, the best huntress to ever come of fortuna and was the pride of the island.

Pyrrha: your mom is the reason I wanted to become a huntress in the first place. I'm her biggest fan and it's amazing her son is my teammate! What ever happened to her?

(y/n): I don't know much all I knew was one day my mom and uncle Dante took me uncle tai's house and then showed up with my dad and told me I would be staying there for now on. And from that day I told myself I would go to beacon become a huntsman just like them.

(y/n) began to tear up again.

Jaune: are you crying (y/n)?

(y/n) quickly wipes his eyes.

(y/n): no I'm not. I'm just remembering my parents. Sometimes it makes me tear up.

Pyrrha: are you okay?

(y/n): I'm fine.

(y/n) regains composure and begins to act like nothing happened.

(y/n): so is anyone hungry 'cause I was going out to get something to eat

Jaune: nope

Ren: sorry not hungry

Nora: nah I'm good

(y/n): Pyrrha are you hungry?

Pyrrha: actually yes I am.

(y/n): okay. Get dressed In something casual and let's go around town and find a place to eat.

Pyrrha: that sounds nice.

What (y/n) didn't know she was lying. All she wanted was to be closer to the son of her idol.

Time skip brought to you by (y/n) putting his casual clothes back on

It was night and (y/n) was standing on a street corner waiting for Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: hey (y/n)!

(y/n) saw her walking towards him. She was wearing a simple red hoodie and jeans. (y/n) was surprised to see her actually take his offer.

(y/n): wow I didn't think you would actually come.

Pyrrha: what did you mean by that?

(y/n): it's nothing. Come on let's go find somewhere to eat.

The two would walk around trying to find somewhere good till they stumble across a small pizza restaurant.

(y/n): pizza, I haven't had that in a while.

Pyrrha: then let's go inside and get some.

The two went in and walked to the counter.

Owner: good evening, what do want to order?

(y/n): I'll take 1 slice of pepperoni.

Pyrrha: and I'll have the same.

Owner: all right that would be 15.04.

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