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"Summon Lady Anna" I announced to my guards. It was a few hours after the first day of mourning. I demanded to see her face to face. After that ridiculous display of sorrow, I would force her to explain herself.

She walks into the room, still wiping the tears from her eyes. Cautiously, her eyes met mine and she bows. I step off my throne chair and make my way towards her, pulling her into my arms.

"My king?" She sniffs, trying to hide the smile that was forming on her lips.
What a jester she was!

"Get out!" I shouted, looking towards the guards that littered the room.
They bow and leave us be. Only Cromwell remained in the room.

"Get out"He was a bit too jovial for my liking.

"No rats allowed in the throne room" Anna smirked. She knew she spoke out of turn but I would allow it because it was Cromwell.

Cromwell furrowed his brows but said nothing and departed.

Anna seperates from me and takes a look around the room.

"Look at you. How easily your handmaidens painted your nails.
The soft glow of your ebony skin.
The delicate sheen your tears left on your cheek.
You have perfected the art of sorrow.
It would put ensembles to shame"

"I thank the king for acknowledging the effort." She bows mockingly.

I storm over and grab her jaw.
She frowns.

"You can put 10 dresses on, even 20 but you will never fool me thorn."

"Fool? Why must I fool a king so valiant as you.
I don't wish to fool you Henry"

"Oh?" I whisper, looking down at her plump lips.

"I wish to burn you Henry. I made it clear" her eyes fight with mine.
I would never admit it, but they scared me.
It the first time I not only met my foe, it was also the first time a foe matched my psyche.

I've met my match.

"And that's why you've summoned me?"  She presses her lips against my chest tempting me into submission. She knew the power she still had over me. "To tell me this?"

"I know your f*cked him" I grab her hair and pull her head back. She winces in fake pain and laughs.

"Awww how did you find out?" Her lips downturn into a cute pout.

"I was informed of your little escapade in the royal court."

She pretends to pout. "I guess the heart wants what it wants."

"I saw you that day.
Your eyes, the way you looked at him
Your lips.
The marks." I trace my fingers against her bruises that Thayne had left.
Dare she mock me.

"I'm in love" she shrugs.

"With him?"

"Who else?" she mocked as if she weren't proclaiming her love for me just a few months ago.

"Have you told him?"

"About what?" She pretends to play coy.

"Don't be daft Anna. You are far from it."

She quiets and seperates from me once more.
"I have nothing to hide my king" she smirks.

I laugh but nod and backs away to retreat.
"Are you sure about that?" Little did she know of the plan I had up my sleeve.

"I haven't done a thing that wasn't for the betterment of this kingdom"

"Is that so Thorn" Her eyes widened as she heard the nickname I had branded for her.

She swallows hard but nods confidently. "Well" she frowns, "Since Thayne is free from captivity I guess now is the best time to tell him" she starts to take her leave. There was so much for her to tell him but she would never get the chance...well, not until I got to him first. I was already one step ahead.
She would not see him until tomorrow"

"Leave me" I commanded, shooing her away.

She obliged and steps out the throne room.

The King's PoisonWhere stories live. Discover now