Would it be juvenile to confess I didn't exactly know what would make my eyes roll back the first time I'd had sex? Chris took his time, exploring my body like it was a work of art. Hickies lined my neck and chest, and I'm sure along my back and shoulders.

He spent an hour finding the softest spots, and revisiting them as he fucked on my back, hands and knees and up against the wall. I'd underestimated his stamina before his was augmented, but now, he was a greedy man possessed with twisting me into a pretzel. I hoped he did it again.

Tingles start at my toes and climb, spreading up my legs and to my waist and further. Pebbled from the cool air and my efforts, my nipples ache for his touch—his mouth. I didn't know it was possible to orgasm from those alone.

I'm almost there.

Gasping, I rock my hips, curling my toes as I sink two fingers inside of my pussy. I ride my hand, curling them until they strike deep enough to send me into the colorful world Chris brought about a dozen times last night. Boneless and panting, my frame slouches on the ruined sheets.

"Good morning, Blue," Chris' voice falls across my ear along with his warm breath. Stiffening, I raise guilty eyes to his. "Did you make yourself come next to me?"

Shyly, I tucked a wild curl behind my ear and shake my head, no. A lie, of course, but admitting the truth might get me something worse.

His gaze sharpens, and he yanks me to chest. "Don't lie to me, Blue."


"You—you... what?" Eyebrow lifted and scrowl firmly in place, he's a man wroth. "What did we discuss last night?"

Words fail me and my mouth dries. What did we discuss last night? Many things.

More rules. His special brand of dirty talk. And more about his childhood as well as his history with the military and a handful of alphabet agencies. Though, I have to admit, there are so many things I still don't know about him.

Secrets are his speciality, and despite us promising to keep none from each other, I haven't asked the right questions to get the doors open. There's a shroud over his gaze and face, the mask he relies on comes onto his features so easily, it's scary. How long and how much had he had to keep hidden from everyone else?

I didn't want to be his audience. I want to be his vault. I want to know everything teaming through his mind and under his skin.

To truly know Chris Gatlin in every sense of the word.

"I'm waiting..."

"Depends on what you're talking about..." I squeak as his form blankets mine and he spreads my legs. "And when..."

"I think you know..." Fingers wondering, he cups my breasts and closes his mouth around my right nipples. I yelp, jerking as his teeth score it. "I'm disappointed, Blue. Do you need another lesson?"

My breath hitches and I slam my legs closed around his waist, rolling my hips to his. He's already hard and pressing against me—teasing me. Is it normal to want someone this much?

With Catrina, our relationship was different—forbidden. She wanted more than I did. I enjoyed her touch—mostly—and wanted her, but this feeling consumes me even when I'm not staring at him.

It burns through me like a brand to wood. Setting flame to everything else in my brain. And with Ryker's blessing, we don't have to hide.

The elation shooting through my soul dies as soon as it starts and my mind turns to the other member on my team. Charlie. What would he think?

Scrunching my nose, I wonder why I care at all. He's nothing more than another member of my guard. Neither one of us owe him an explanation.

"Blue?" Chris' mouth is no longer waltzing along my skin. Worry tints his cerulean eyes and his eyebrows are furrowed. "Where did you go?"


"No." Shaking his head, he sits up and brings me with him, seating me on his lap. His cock slips to my pussy, and I groan, gripping his shoulders. "I'll take you after you tell me what's going on in your head. Do you... do you regret this?"

Surprised, I chuckle. "You can feel I don't. If I didn't, would I want you inside of me?"

Cupping my cheek, he kisses me. I melt into his arms. It's not like last—passionate and hungry—but coaxing and mind bending. His tongue floods my mouth, and I suck it deeper, like I'd sucked his cock.

His response comes when he pulls away, whispered while his lips ghost mine. "I'll never get enough of you, Blue."

But, I don't get a chance to respond.

An appointment reminder slides across my display.

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