Chapter 13.

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I place my hands on Peter's shoulders and he looks at me.

"Please don't die." He laughs and nods, pulling me into a tight hug.

"I won't." I nod and release him, he turns back towards the other two Peters and they all step out of the portal Ned created. Lady Liberty's construction beams behind them. I share a look between Ned and MJ.

It didn't take long for them to catch the attention of the needed villains. Setting a broadcasted live video to the world famous bugle site. I lean over MJ's shoulder as the video ends with Parker's cut up face.

"It's okay. It's fine." I mutter and lay a comforting hand on her shoulder. She nods, giving me a tight smile. I watch as the boys hop up further down in the beams and settle down. After a while of hearing their distant voices the sky crackles to life with bright lightning.

"You guys see that?" I whisper peering out the portal, Ned gripping my wrist like his life depended on it.

"Don't even think about it." He rushes out pulling me back.

"I'm not, I'm not." I reassure him, but I very much was. It was almost primal, instinct to rush out and join the fight that hadn't begun. His grip didn't leave as the sky crackles and vibrates with a life force.

"What's up, Peter." A distorted voice echoed in the sky, I felt Ned jump at the volume.

"You think that's the guy we saw at the military base?" He asks hushed as he cowers behind me meekly looking out the portal from his distance.

"Definitely." I whisper back,

"How you like the new-new?" The voice vibrates through the sky like a megaphone.

"Look, you give it to me, I'm gonna destroy it." The voice chuckles.

"But I'll let you live. Don't make me a murderer Peter." The voice dropped in emotion to a dry, deadpan. I look up at Peter as he swings closer.

"Alright, MJ heads up!" He yells before tossing the magical box towards us. MJ reaches out, catching it in her arms.

"Okay, close the portal." I say patting Ned on the shoulder, he nods, extending his arms and lifting two fingers up he does his swirling motion. Nothing happens.

"Close the portal Ned." I say again, he nods and grunts at each attempt.

"Uh, Ned, it's not closing." MJ states the obvious.

"Yeah, I know." He tries again,

"Why isn't it closing?" Mj questions.

"I don't know I—" He stutters.

"Did you close it before? No?" She rushes out,

"No? I mean I've opened some."

I wave my hands frantically. "Just close the fucking portal Ned!"

He looks at me with wide eyes at the sudden curse word. "I'm trying!"

"Try harder!" I rush him more, I stumble back a little as a gust of wind slams through the portal.

"Shit! Shut it!" I let another curse loose as I grab onto Ned's shoulder.

"I'm trying!" He shouts again over a sudden noise outside.

"Uhm, you gotta close it." MJ says, gripping the relic tightly.

"I'm trying to close it. I can't help that it's not working." Ned spits out,

"Alright, no it's fine. You'll do it again, you'll keep trying." MJ states calmly, my own nerves dying out seeing how calm she was handling this.

"Alright, alright. We got it, we got it," Ned chants exhaling and inhaling.

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