Chapter 12.

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I choked on a gasp as I involuntarily lurch forward, my stomach hitting the edge of the table.

"You okay?" I look up upon feeling hands touch my face. My wide eyes stare into Peters.

"I know you. Why do I know you?" His brows furrowed as his fingers lightly dug into the skin on my jaw. He looks around him before sighing and lifting his hands from my face, he grabs my arm softly and pulls us away from the others.

"Who are you?" I question with squinted eyes,

"You know who I am, you've known since the night you first felt it." I felt my chest seize as I run my eyes over his face.

"You're the one who was in my room with me?" He nodded a look coming over his face, a look I couldn't decipher.

"I... I landed here that night, in front of her... in front of your apartment. I didn't think I was sent to a different realm of course. I just... I just thought maybe I found my way to her apartment again. But then I heard you. I heard you crying and I couldn't... I couldn't bring myself to walk away. And when I saw you. When I saw you everything felt right again." I took in his words and paused for a moment, processing it all.

"Am I, am I you're MJ? Why am I here if I'm—" He shushes me instantly by grabbing my face gently, his thumb brushing under my eye, his full of adoration.

"I don't know. I don't." I furrow my brows and look back at Peter and serious Jones talking quietly.

"If he already has an MJ, why am I here?" He shakes his head,

"We'll talk about this after." I nod and he removed himself from my skin as he walked back over to the table to finish his cure. I stood there in the dark corner for a few minutes before walking over to... my... Peter. His eyes immediately found mine and he smiled dorkily holding up his items.

"Finished." I nodded and forced a dry smile,

"Good job Pete." His brows furrowed,

"What's up?" I look back at MJ as she looked down at me with confused eyes too. Sucking in a breath, we promised no more lies or keeping big things. Does this count? deciding it does and if someone dies I'd feel pretty fucked up if it was me and they're just fucked. Again.

"I keep having these... these memories?" I questioningly say, Peter stood up straighter and walked around the table and placed his hands on my shoulders.

"What do you mean by memories?" I look down with pinched brows.

"Memories of... things I haven't experienced, here, of a different Peter, of... of living life with that Peter. Of dying." I whisper, it felt like what I was saying was bad and that It shouldn't be said out loud. I felt his fingers clench before dropping from my shoulders. I look up and seeing him eyeing portal Peter, or well I guess my Peter.

"Doctor Strange said he'd felt a presence here, before the spell. That they weren't meant to be here. He said he'd get rid of them with the spell." He mumbled quietly, his eyes widening in realization as he snaps his head up at me.

"You're that person." I shake my head with a humorless laugh,

"That can't be. This is all just a fucked up hallucination from the fear. I grew up here. With you. I remember being kids here, with you. That can't... I can't." I force myself to breathe as I shake my head and rub my face.

"After this, we'll talk to Dr. Strange. I promise, we'll figure this out." I nodded as Peter pulled me into a tight hug. I lay my head on his shoulder squeezing him tightly as he brushes my hair comfortingly. Pulling away he gives me a reassuring glance before walking over to the table again and looking over his cures.

"Peter!" I look past my shoulder at Ned.

"Yeah?" The three Peters respond in sync, looking at each other.

"Oh, sorry, did you mean...?" They say in sync again, pointing between each other.

"Peter, Peter." Ned says complicating things more.

"We're all called Peter." They basically say again, in sync.

"Peter Parker." Parker smacks his arms down at his legs.

"Same thing again, we're all Peter Parker." I can't help but let out a small laugh.

"The computer." Our Peter looks over at the small laptop in realization.

"Oh, I'm ready." He says, tapping on keys.

"Yeah me too." My... portal uh–Peter says walking over with his cure.

"Okay, so now, all we gotta do is lure these guys some place, right? Try to cure them while they try to kill us, and then send them home." Peter explains handing his elongated bottle to our Peter.

"Using a magic box." Pastor Peter says,

"Well, that's the plan." Peter mumbles.

"So what? Are you gonna go into battle dressed as a cool youth pastor, or do you got your suit?" I lightly smack portal Peters arm and he looks down at me.

"I thought the same thing." He cracks a quick smile. Pastor Peter pulls down his neck line showing the red and blue suit.

"Good." I look at Ned as he sets down Peters web cartages.

"Here's your web cartages." He says,

"Oh, thanks man." Peter says picking the small contraptions up.

"What's that for?" Pastor Peter asks, portal Peter sliding the lab coat off. I subconsciously take it from him staying tuned into the conversation as I lay it out folded on my lab. Why it happened so casually, I don't know.

"Uh, it's my web fluid. It's for my web shooters, why?" Peter explains with furrowed brows. Pastor Peter extends a wrist and shoots web straight out of his wrist.

"Woah!" Peter exclaims.

"That came out of you." Ned rushes out,

"Yeah. You can't do that, huh?" Pastor Peter mumbles.

"No?" Peter instantly responds with a shake of his head. Portal Peter inches closer extending a hand to pastor Peters wrist.

"How on earth does that even—" He whispers, I look up at Peter as he shakes his head.

"We're getting sidetracked. This is where we'll do this, okay? It's isolated so no one should get hurt." Peter taps away on his laptop before spinning it around.

"We draw them there with the box, it's the one thing they all want. All we have to do is figure out how to get there." Peter explains,

"We could portal there, I'm magic now." Ned says nonchalant.

"What?" He breathes out,

"No, no he's right. He can." MJ says,

"Yeah, we saw." I say with a confimative nod,

"Yeah, he is." Both Peters pledge, our Peter looking between us all.

"Wait, really?" The boys grow excited.

"Dude I got Dr. Strange magic." Ned bubbles over with excitement.

"No way." He whispers as Ned pushes his safety goggles onto his head.

"And I promise you, I won't turn into a supervillain and try to kill you." He suddenly spews out. I laugh and shake my head as portal Peter pats him on the back.

"Okay, boys, boys. Let's not get into the whole best friend supervillain thing. We have actual villains to defeat." They both look at me and nod.

"Uhm, alright, here goes nothing. What's that thing you always say? Expect disappointment and–" he begins and she cuts him off.

"No, no, no. We're gonna kick some ass." She breathes out and he smiles.

"Okay." Pastor Peter nods,

"Cure, cure some ass." I cringe and shrug my shoulders.

"Didn't have the same vibe to it." He nods,

"Yeah." I hum,


"Cure that ass." Ned obliviously spits out. I let loose a boisterous laugh as I swivel my head towards Ned.

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