[ C H A P T E R N I N E ]

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"So you mean Jack Frost literally is Shirley's real dad" Addy asked with unbelief. Shirley rolled her eyes.

"My real Pop's Craig Jacob Leroy, Adele" Shirley warned her friend then  leaned back on her favorite white couch.

"Yeah, Jack's a joke though, no offense Els... Oops my bad Shirley." He corrected himself, sending a wink to her direction. Earlier Shirley had warned him against calling her Elsa or she would shoot his balls off.

"No offense taken." she answered.

Aron smiled at that. It was a good thing that Jack's kid didn't care about him just like he didn't care about the arrogant piece of shit. He wasn't going to let Shirley know that though because no matter what, Jack was still Shirley's dad.

"He's real name's Jacques Fröst and yes he's literally like the Disney version of Peter Pan." He sighed, running his hands through his white hair. "Gosh sometimes I just can't believe I've been working for  that guy  for over two hundred and fifty years now." He ranted.

"Wait a minute dude how old are you?" Addy asked intrigued.

"A little over three hundred years, look it doesn't matter, the point is Jack is in trouble. It's basically his fault though I mean I know he's a narc but paying a big shot scriptwriter  to write a movie about you and the daughter you hid to save her life isn't smart. It's downright stupid but then dude's never been known for his intellect." he continued with his rants, his face screwing up to show his displeasure at his boss.

"So why do you keep calling Shirls here Elsa?" Addy inquired earnestly.

"Her full name's Elsabeth Frost, daughter of Jack Frost and guardian of the water and Air, mostly Ice." He replied like a teacher would explain to his students.

"Where's Jack now, Captain Cold?" Shirley asked dubiously.

"Awol, dude's no where to be found" Aron shrugs when taking another slice of pizza from the pizza box.

"I told you Shirls this guy's a fake, There's no such thing as magic, I mean Elsa, come on if so then I'm Merida of Dunbroch" Addy sassed, rolling her eyes in disbelief.

"Merida's Jack's mom Addy, and magic does exist right Shirley?" Aron asked cheekily.

"What the heck d'ya mean by that?" Shirley said glaring at him. Addy stared from her best friend to Aron noting the visible tension between both of them.

"Made any Snowballs and frost recently, Elsa?" Aron sneered, drawling her name out.

"Go to hell Captain Cold." She bit back in the same tone. Air swirls around Aron's fists while Shirley's palms were coated with frost. The temperature of the room reduced drastically as both glared at each other. The lights flickered off and on while Addy folded her arms in her chest, shivering. Her teeth clattered together. She couldn't breathe or talk, she could only has repeatedly.

Forcing herself she screamed, the sound breaking up the fight  that had been about to start. The temperature returned back as if it hadn't almost hit thirty two degree Fahrenheit. Shirley gasped as she saw how blue her friend was in the face. She shook Addy who was barely breathing frantically. Aron rushed to her side.

"Let me help" he implored softly.

"Fuck off–" she swore, her eyes crazy as she held Addy in her arms "–You've done harm enough."

Aron shifted nervously. "I can get her to breathe, I just need to push air into her nose and if I don't do it now she's gonna die. I Know you think I'm gonna screw it up but it'll work I swear." He rambled on.

"You've got five seconds or I swear i'ma put an ice bullet into your damned skull." Shirley threatened darkly.

Aron didn't said a word. He moved towards Addy then twirls his index finger, little swirls or air forms between them. He moves the air he had gathered towards Addy's nose then forced it in. The woman sneezes then opens her eyes.  

"What happened Shirls?" She asked in confusion "You had ice in your hands, I saw it and your dad's Jack Frost?"

"Yeah I gotta show Aron here the door Addy, we talk later, a'ight?"

"Pinky swear?" Addy raised her pinky with a smile on her lips.

"Jeez Adele we aren't five" Shirley frowned, her legs braced apart, arms folded.

"Spoilsport." Addy accused.

"Yeah whatev's–" she then turns to Aron, pointing towards the door with a scowl on her face.  "–Outside now" She commanded.

Aron frowns then folds his arm tightly.  "Listen Shirley, you gotta be careful alright, its not safe.  I know you don't want me around but listen there's something out there that's killing magickals. You need me to watch  your back. The more powerful you get the more dangerous you are and I know I'm the last person you'd listen to but Jack's counting on you, heck the whole world is, but you can't save the world If you're dead or worse captured by Hella. So I won't leave no matter what you say. The future of the  world depends on you"

"What the heck are you talking about Captain Cold?" Shirley asked, her brows furrowed in confusion "who the hell's  Hella?"

"Tell me Shirley how strong are your powers? apart from the normal sucking up all the air in the room" He asked, his silver eyes shining with curiosity.

"A lot, I guess–" Shirley calmly said "–I froze up a lot of people, you know your normal Killer Frost vibe" she smirked, flipping her hair.

"Shit!" Aron  paced around Shirley, driving her nuts. "Shit, shit, shit!"

"Are you gonna stop pacing?, you're driving me insane." Shirley said.

"This is bad Shirley, very bad" Aron rushed out. Shirley started at him noting how scared he looked. He was hyperventilating.

As for Aron all he could think about was how he was bound to fail in his assignment. If Shirley had gotten her full frost powers that means either Jack was weak or dead or he was no longer the ice guardian. He must have passed his powers to his daughter. The twenty six years old woman that didn't look a day over twenty one wasn't ready ready for the battle that was about to come.

This time Shirley needed answers, no more bullshitting "What's bad? look Cold, I don't get what you're saying, so can you please explain what the hell's going on here"

Aron sighs. "Look kid, if your powers are that strong, it means something bad must have happened to Jack for him to pass you his powers, so you've got to get ready because believe me you aren't and he's gonna kill you when he finds you " Aron looked troubled as he said this.

"Who's gonna kill me?" Shirley asked. A sense of dread  filled her. It was like  she knew whatever Aron was going to say she wasn't gonna like it.

"Hella. The devil.  He wants all guardians dead so that he'd gain immortality. He wants to rule Earth and the other realms. Only two guardians are left. Ferr the fire guardian and now you"


Phew.... I did it.... ..
We're gradually getting there guys. So what do you think about Guardian.

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