[ C H A P T E R E I G H T ]

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Dedicated to icanflymylove
She was a wonderful person and friend who although i never met in real life, I will definitely miss. Rest on Dile.

Shirley paced the waiting room of Harland Hospital as she waited to receive the results of the surgery. A couple hours ago Sam had been brought into the hospital by paramedics and had been moved into the O.R for surgery for the multiple bullet wounds he had sustained on his left leg.

The woman was worried for her partner and a part of her was guilty too because she had been the one who had knocked Sam down out of her fear of him getting hit. It didn't dawn to her that maybe she had just saved his life. The last hour Shirley had said every prayer in her book heck she had her folks back in Redbridge, Georgia  praying for Sam O'Reilly. She really hoped that her partner was okay, despite her not wanting a partner Sam had grown on her but She'd rather be shot than admit that out loud.

After a long wait an African American doctor came out of OR, a grim look on his face.

"How's Sam doc, How's my par'ner?" Shirley says gripping his shoulder.

"Well Detective, he's fine, he's out of danger. The surgery was a success" The doctor said, a slight smile that didn't reach his eyes graced his lips.

Shirley let's out a visible sigh of relief. She asks "Can I see him?"

"Are you a relative?" The doctor retorted cocking one bushy grey brow.

Shirley bristled at the unspoken challenge of authority. She menacingly walks closer to the doctor.

"I am his partner doc and I gotta see him now" she growls.

"Well like I said only his family is allowed to visit him" He insisted.

"Well Dr. Cole right?" Shirley asked.

"It's Dr. Colin" he corrected.

"Whatever Doc, Sam's family is in New York and I'm here and I'ma walk out here right now and i'ma come back tomorrow but until then go to hell asshole" Shirley barked then storms out angrily.


Shirley was pissed despite scoring a major victory in her last assignment. Dr. Phil Colin had managed to rule her up. The way she was feeling She'd burn up an entire neighborhood or rather freeze it up.
Matching into her apartment, she slammed the door shut. The sight before her temporarily calmed her down the  raging  storm inside her.

Addy was laughing at a joke a white haired guy said. Shirley stared at her open mouthed. She knew she had advised her roomie against dating the British actor but Addy moving on that fast wasn't what she didn't expect.

"What's goin' on here?" She asked softly.

"Hey Elsa" The white hair guy waved towards her direction.

Shirley stared from Addy to the white haired stranger in confusion. "Who's  Captain Cold here Addy?"

Addy shrugs the takes a bites from the pizza slice she held "Dude says he's your cousin, I gotta say Shirls, didn't know you had a white cuz" she gave Shirley a look that said she was disappointed with her.

Shirley narrowed her eyes at the stranger. "Who the heck are you" she growled menacingly inching toward the guy then grabs his neck. "Who sent you?"

"The name's Aron Hüunch and I was sent to protect you" He answered looking directly into Shirley's eyes, his silver eyes clashing violently with Shirley's brown ones.

Shirley laughed at that. Her laugh echoing through the hall, heck the thought of the pale skinny boy protecting her made her want to howl like a wolf. It felt good to laugh after the crappy day She'd had. Pulling her self together she turns all serious and pulls out her gun on him.

"Listen Captain Cold, i'ma give one chance and don't try lying to me or I'll make sure you don't live to see the next day, who the fuck are you and who the fuck sent you?" She threatened darkly, her eyes swirling from brown to silver.

Aron swallowed hard in fear "I told you the truth, I was sent by your biological father to warn you and help you fight against an  evil being that had risen,  He said to tell you that your life is in danger" Aron said


Sorry for the short chapter, folks....
I'll update more later..
So how was this?

And guy's don't forget to click that tiny gold star..

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