[ C H A P T E R T H R E E ]

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Betadine, a chemical that is usually used in spiffing up hospitals and which it's odor always gave hospitals their distinct smells hits Shirley's nose as she woke up her long slumber. It was that smell she hated about hospitals but then  it assured her that indeed she had cheated death and was in a hospital.

But how she'd gotten there she had no idea.

Forcing open her eyes Shirley looked around the white walls of her private room. Tubes were attached from her hand to a drip and a  patient monitor that beeped at regular intervals. Shirley stared with disgust at the blue paper dress she wore and cursed whoever it was that came up with such hideous piece of clothing. Ripping off the IV tubes that had attached to her arm and body, she slipped off the single bed aiming toward the restroom. 

After doing her business, she heads toward the sink and stares up at her reflection noticing her brown contacts were gone and instead staring back at her were her  inhuman silver eyes that had freaked out half the kids in her grade school and her old man had made her wear brown contacts and she had almost blended in. Her black hair of course was of her own making, no one had said anything bad against it, in fact the kids had thought she had bleached it and she hadn't like that. But now staring back at her was herself looking exactly how she looked at seven except she looked like any twenty seven year old woman would. (if you'd look past her  baby face)

Exiting the bathroom for her hospital room, she considered getting back her clothes since she knew she was okay.

"oh there you're miss Leroy, I'm Tess Haynes. .. Doctor Haynes actually" the Golden haired five foot two woman in green shrubs who was obviously in her early fifties smiled tightly.

"Well doc, it's Detective Leroy and why the heck am  I  here?"

"You were brought in here by the paramedics after the drug ring bust, freezing cold and laying on an ice blanket, I've got to say you were quite the hero detective but you could have died"

"But I ain't, you fixed me up didn't ya, now where the hell's my par'ner? Is O'Reilly okay?"

"Yes in fact he made it out before that explosion that killed everyone else but you, like I said earlier you were quite lucky"

"I'm pretty sure my ole man musta prayed down one of them damned angels to make sure I didn't die" Shirley muttered under her breathe..

"umm did you say something detective?" the doctor asked confused.

"What day's today doc?"

"Saturday ma'am, may I call you Shirley?" The doctor implored

"Nah, Leroy or detective's fine doc"  Shirley said. She wasn't in the damned hospital to make friends especially with some woman old enough to be her mama besides she'd already missed a day reporting back to work.

Looking at her right arm she was surprised to see not a scratch on her arm and she distinctly remembered been cut in her left arm by a large shard of glass. Maybe they had done plastic surgery on her. She asked the doc to confirm and the woman denied saying she hadn't needed that kind of fixing up.

"So tell me doc, how soon am I getting outta this hellhole?" Shirley asked after the doctor had taken her vitals and declared them surprisingly normal.

"In a couple of days detective, you vitals healed faster than I ever seen but  something else could show up, I'll retake your vitals in the next hour to see if we would release you tomorrow " The woman said.

"Yeah yeah, whatever doc, just holler one of them nurses or something to git me coffee, I like em creamed and sweet like my soul"

Doctor Haynes began to protest but Shirley cut her off.

"Thanks doc" Shirley said. The doc walked off in a huff bringing a smile to Shirley's face.
Making sure the doc had really left and not lurking in the hallways, she snuck out only stopping to put on a lab coat that covered her hospital gown and a pair of Jordan's that miraculously fit her big foot. With her head high, she left.


I know this is bloody short but I decided I wasn't adding any irrelevant stuff to the story, so  I took out some parts that believe me you don't want to read about....
Happy reading folks...

So what do you think of Dr Haynes and the chapter?

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