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"Meet Shirley Leroy, a courageous detective in Sully. After being adopted by loving black parents when they found her abandoned in an Atlanta church, Shirley's life takes an extraordinary turn. During a drug bust, she discovers that she possesses incredible ice powers. But things get even more interesting when a mysterious man appears out of nowhere, claiming to be Jack Frost's long lost daughter. Initially skeptical, Shirley soon realizes that she has a greater purpose beyond being a cop. As she embarks on this thrilling journey, trouble unlike anything she has ever seen awaits her."


No part of this book is to published, copied, edited or rewritten without the permission from the writer,Me.

In other words, don't try to copy my work, it's not yours, STAY AWAY.

So if you try to copy my work, just get ready to call 911 cos i'mma body slam ya.

This is the second book I've written and I literally used up my break time to write this so Y'all pirates just keep the hell out. Thank you for understanding, cos I don't wanna go all Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee on anyone.

Not to sound all violent or sh*t, but hey this is my baby.

Other works by Me.

Valor: coming soon

Raven : Angel of death: completed

Xhmar: coming soon.

Blood bound: Ongoing

Shadow:  coming soon.

Much love.


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