[ C H A P T E R F O U R ]

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Shirley was at the door of the penthouse she shared with someone and where she just recently started to call home.
Her roommate, the red haired, beautiful Adele Eamon had been gone for a week taking pictures of some famous movie star or model, she couldn't remember which one Addy had said it was but then whatever Addy did with her Nikon or Canon or whatever Camera she used was none of Shirley's business. And whatever Shirley did with her guns was none of Addy's business and it worked fine that way for the both of them.
As far as her roomie wasn't taking her pictures, they would be fine as Shirley hated being photographed.

She had thought Addy would visit her at the hospital but nope, her roomie had sent flowers and postcards telling her to get her ass out of the damn hospital bed and go catch some criminals. Shirley was sure Addy probably had paid someone to deliver em to Shirley's hospital room. That was how her Addy was. She hated hospitals and claimed they reminded her of diseases and death.

There was no bad blood between her and her rommie only that Shirley expected more from the woman who claimed to be her best friend (emphasis on claim).

Addy sure wasn't home, Shirley mused as there were no sweet country songs sounding from their apartment or those stupid K-pop jams Addy always played. Take it from a girl who enjoyed Hip-hop and hard core rap songs and not those mumble shit they did now. Addy's taste in music sucked and to be honest the those songs were so gross that they literally made one's ear bleed.

Inserting her keys inside the keyhole, she turned it then push open the door while humming Jay Z's Holy grail under her breathe. She took off the Leather jacket she had borrowed from the hospital as the lab coat she had borrowed and the paper dress weren't clothes. she was now wearing a pair of blue Jeans that were to tight in the ass and too short for her five nine frame, an old one direction black top and the formerly mentioned jacket and hung it on the coat stand.
Hearing grunts that sounded masculine coming from the living room, She picked up the glock she had hidden under the carpet and gently moved towards the living room then switched on the lights and froze at the sight before her.

Shirley screamed bloody murder at the sudden image of Addy having sex in the living room with some dark skinned man she'd never met before on her favorite couch. She quickly covers her eyes and moves toward the bathroom ignoring the fumbling of the couple behind her.

When she emerged both were fully dressed. Armed with an air fresher and a sanitizer on both hands, she starts spraying both on her favorite couch (which was the only one in the living room.)

Addy folded her arm and stared at her with a frown "What the hell are you doing here Shirley?"

She looks at Addy with surprise " I live here." she deadpan.

"You know that's not what I meant Shirley, what are you doing?"

"Clearin' the crime scene so no one gits to know what happened here on my favorite couch." Shirley sassed.

"So tell me, who's he Addy?" she asked raising one silver brow up.

"He's Sloan Duncan, the British actor I told ya I've been seeing, he's my boyfriend." Addy squeaked then seemed to notice Shirley's silver hair.

"What happened to your hair Shirley?"

"A bird shat on it" Shirley said but then when Addy gave her a disbelieving look she opted for the truth. "The doctors gave me a make over."

"And your silver eyes?" Addy folded her arms giving her a look that meant she didn't believe Shirley's lies.

"Didn't know you work for the inquisition now sugar? my eyes always been silver and you know my favorite color has always been chocolate." She sassed.

"Chocolate is not a color."

"Jeez gurl have mercy, I just escaped from that crazy ole doc at St Mark's whose been askin' me shit and pokin' needles on me, I just need food and peace, is that too much to ask for?"

"I'll go fix us a quick snack-" Addy said then rose on her toes to whisper into Shirley's right ear "And be nice to Sloan he's literally the love of my life."

Shirley rolled her eyes at her bestfriend. Despite her being two years younger than Addy's thirty years, she still had to look out for the other woman.

"Yeah whatever sugar."

The moment Addy left, Shirley turned to Sloan.

"Listen I don't like you pretty boy, and you break my homegirl's heart and i'mma git your ass dead 'n' buried before you know what's hit your black ass. Am I fuckin' clear?"

"Crystal" Sloan choked out.

"Good, cos I could be a serial killer for all you know, beat her ex to shit and had him tossed down to jail for assaultin' my home girl, tho not before I nearly shot out his testicles"

"Leave Sloan alone and stop scaring him with your crime stories" Addy who just came in and only overhead the last sentence Shirley admonished her best friend then turns to her boyfriend "Shirley here's a detective, the best in the state heck probably in the country, she's just looking out for me"

Sloan smiled painfully his face ashen as he realized whom Shirley was.

"You're the Detective Super Cop?" He said with dread making Shirley wonder what he was hiding.

"The one and only, Detective Shirley Leroy at your service" Shirley said in a fake British accent and bowed mockingly, her eyes promising hell for Sloan if he messed up.


She ran as the dark mist came closer, tearing apart everything that stood on its path. Inside the mist was a man dressed in a dark cloak and wielded a dagger that had an intricate design and could cut through anything.

On the ground lay dead bodies of a dragon, gorgon, a woman who who was dressed in a flowing red dress and a green haired man. All of them had one thing in common, stab marks on the forehead and ashen complexions. And as he had killed them, a mist would move from their bodies to the dagger and then into him. Then all of a sudden she stopped and so did he. It was like he had compulsed her to. Like he had power over her, she couldn't move no matter how hard she tried. Tied with chains that glowed red against a tree next to the man was a nineteen year old man - boy who had silver eyes and silver hair and whose face she couldn't make out well.

"Jump Elsa-" The boy croaked out in pain eyeing the cliff behind her. "-Save yourself little one!"

She started to jump but her legs wouldn't let her move. It was as if they were made of Frost.

The man in spite slits the boy's neck with the weird looking curved blade he had in his hand then brought it close to his lips then licked the blood off. His eyes glittered with mischief.

"Jack's gone Elsa and you are next." He crooned as he came closer to her and as he did she found strength move back to her legs. She ran toward the direction the dead guy had told her to while the man's cackles sounded close to her ear. She jumped down the cliff to the valley.

And woke up to find herself back in her room with her bed frozen solid and frost coating her walls.

Shirley screamed.


Don't you just love Shirley more. I do and she's more fun than the first one I created.

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