You take me places

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The weeks went by so quickly. Christmas came and went and Carina got more and more uncomfortable. She knew she still had a long road ahead of her, but she was not feeling great. Maya did the best to help her. They had baths more often, took the evelator, because Carina was out of breath from going to the bathroom, they only ate food, that didn't give Carina heartburn and the road to figuring this out was long. They had lots of snuggles and did lots of the other pain controll. Carina was so greatful to have Maya at her side. She came to the station with her often. Sleeping in Mayas bunk and being pampered by the entire team.
The two wifes didn't celebrate New Years with the Station again, because Carina didn't feel good and so they just hung out in bed. Watched Dinner for one and again had juice to toast at midnight. Sparkling drinks didn't necessarily make Carina sick like last year, but they gave her heartburn and she desperatly wanted to avoid that.
But because they didn't spend New Years with the Station, they also didn't see what was going on at the party.

Vic was hoasting and everyone came in. Jack had asked if he could bring someone and noone got to judge him, because this girl made him really happy and so he really wanted the others to get to know her. Andy, Travis, Ben with Tuck and Joey since Miranda was working, Dean with Pru, but she was going to be sleeping in Vics bed, if she wanted to, and a few other people were there, when Jack came in with Dr. Josephine Willson. Everyones chins dropped. "Dr. Willson?" Travis said. "Please call me Jo." Jo said and grabed Jacks Hand tighter. Dean tilted his head. "So Jack and Jo. Yep. I totaly ship that." Dean nodded. Ben smiled. He knew the backstory of both of them and assumed that is what they bonded over, but he also knew both of them well a persons and knew they would fit well together. Ben smiled. "I am happy for you, Jack and you, too Jo." Vic turned the music back on. And Andy immediatly pulled Jo aside. "Whats going on?" Jo asked. "Oh this is the part where i intimidate you, so that you don't hurt him, but also warn you, because he can be a dick." "Oh you are talking from experience." Jo said. "Yes." Andy said. "But he is also my best friend and he really deserves some stability." "Oh trust me. I want that, too." Jo said laughing. "I have a kid and massive trauma from previous relationships, i can not afford messy bussiness. But with Jack it is so easy. He makes me smile and laugh and we can sit on the couch in silence and its not akward and he likes Luna and Luna likes him. Honestly they are besties." "Thats great. I love that for the both of you." Andy said. "Now comon lets get something to drink." "Yes. Thank you." Jo let out a breath. "Where is your daughter tonight?" "My best friend Link has his son Scout this week and so he offered to take Luna aswell." "Thats great."

The next day the bell was ringing at the Deluca-Bishops at 2pm. Maya was up. She had cleaned the kitchen. Carina was in Bed reading, but also enjoying the heating pad on her back. Maya opened the door. "Andy?" Maya asked. "Oh you cannot believe the tea i got." Andy said. "Come in." Maya said. "Would you like something to drink?" "No thanks." Maya smiled. "is this a you and me conversation or is Carina allowed to hear it, too." "Oh Carina can hear it, too. She will like the tea aswell." Andy said smiling. Andy and Maya sat down on the Bed. Maya immediatly started massaging Carinas feet. "So guess who Jack brought with him to New Years at Vics?" "Who?" Maya said. "Jo Willson." "Jo Willson as in my Resident and my OB Jo Willson?" Carina said. "Yes. Oh my god. They were so cute together." Andy said. "They held hands and she put her head on his shoulder and he put her on his shoulders so she could see the fireworks better and when she fell asleep, he woke her with a kiss." "Oh. That is so sweet." Carina said. "That doesn't sound like Jack at all." Maya said. Andy nodded. "I know. We missed out on a side of Jack, wow. He is so gentle with her, but also you know whos the boss in the relationship." Maya laughed. "I am really okay, that Jack and I didn't work out." Maya said and kissed Carina. "Oh. Really?" Carina said. "Yes. You are much better." "Well i am happy for Jack to have found someone like Jo. She is a great woman and an amazing doctor. She is just right for Jack." Carina said. Andy nodded. "Now everyone has a cute doctor, exept me." She siged. "You have Carina and Ben has Bailey and Jack has Jo and Vic has Theo, not a doctor, but still. Just me and Travis. Single like a pringle." "Well you will find someone. When i was your age. I managed to sleep around alot. I slept with both my brothers roommates without knowing they were his roommates." Carina said. Somehow the hormones made her loose all her filters. "What?" Maya said. "Well yes. Arizona was Andreas roommate and when we broke up shortly after, i hooked up with Owen and just a little earlier Owen had agreed to let Andrew move in with him." "Wow. Thats a talent." Andy said. "Yes. I am happy, i was not your brothers roommate." Maya said. "Yeah." Carina said. "But my point is, i met Maya at 34 and until then i didn't really look for a stable relationship." "I didn't either." "Oh that i know." Andy smiled. "I am still mad at you for sleeping with Dearborn." Andy said. "Oh my god. I didn't know, who she was." "She is a firefighter and she was going head to head with me for captain." Andy explained. "Yes. And it was a one night thing. A long time ago." Maya stressed. Carina smiled. "I love the bickering between you two. You are just like sisters." Maya and Andy smiled at eachother. "I hope our babys will have the same bond as we have or as you had with your brother or me and my brother, well until like age 12." Carina smiled. "Whatever happens, we'll do our best." "When are you due?" Andy asked. "May 5th." Carina said," but Tripplet pregnacys often don't make it to full term. So anything after 35 weeks is good." Andy nodded. "It is still quite a long time. I am 23 weeks now." Carina said. Maya smiled at how Carinas eyes were sparkling when she talked about their babys.

"Bye Andy." "Bye." Maya closed the door. Andy had been with them for another hour. They had talked a little and then Andy had helped Maya to cook something for Carina. They had made some Spagetti Carbonara, Andy had taken some home and even then it was enough for Maya and Carina for the next three days. Maya helped Carina up from their bed. Carina could get up on her own, but she had been struggling with a low blood pressure, so she often got dizzy when standing up. Maya just wanted to make sure, she didn't fall. They ate and talked. "I had an idea." Maya said. "What?" Carina asked. "Well i have three days of next week in a row. I have the entire of tuesday, wednesday and thursday off. And i finish a 24hour monday at noon. I have to work again. Friday at 6 am." "Okay?" "Maybe we could go somewhere. Not far just maybe to the beach a little south. Its not warm enough to swim, but maybe we can go into a hotel with a pool and a hot tube and room service and a Spa." "Oh that sounds amazing." "Yes?" "Yes. Like a babymoon." Carina said. "Yes something like that. I mean it is still so long until the babys come, but you will get more and more uncomfortable, so i thought now or never." "Yes. I love you." "I love you." Maya said.

An: i just watched the new Episode and honestly i didn't like it. I waited for like a scene with Maya and Carina and something but nope. I need something like the foodpoising, that was so cute. Not the vomiting, but Maya taking care of Carina, holding her. I wanted that for the episode. I am thinking of rewriting the episode in a oneshot. I already read a oneshot that i really liked i don't rememeber from which author, if you want to know i'll look it up, but yeah i wasn't impressed with the episode.

Greys was good. I loved seeing Carina in action. Oh my god. And Maya and Ben. Very cute, but i need more than just the little scene we got where Maya found Carina. I wanted to scream at the screen, "hug her. Hold her." Carina looked like she needed it. Yeah i am excited for next week. But i want more cute Marina. Or just any Marina content for that matter.

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