it smells like campfire mixed up with sunscreen

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Nina knew the email handle of her suposed half brother by hard. She had looked at it over and over. She also looked at the cousin, but she was intrigued by her brother. She had never had a brother, and also barely had good experiences with foster brothers. But both Maya and Carina had a brother, they adored. Carina often told them stories about Andrea and Nina loved how happy she was when the talk came to her little brother. Of course she missed him dearly, but the memories of their childhood together were nice and made her happy. Maya barely talked about her childhood. She was ashamed of not being there more for Mason. Not protecting him.

Summerbreak started and this year Meena and Louise got to go to a Summercamp for one week. Ellie was not able to go, one because the camp was not accessible for her with the walker and she was not stable enough on cruches and two she was mentaly not ready. Her disability made her mentaly younger than her sisters. She wouldn't enjoy it. But just because Ellie would stay home, the other girls didn't have to miss out and so on Monday they packed up everything and went to camp. Nina took them. Carina had to stay at the hospital with Maya. She had had another lung infection and needed some support. It wasn't as bad as her first one, but made her feel even more miserable.

Nina packed the girls, after they said "Good Bye" to Ellie, Grandma and Andy and drove the 45 minutes to Camp Sunshine.
"Are you excited for camp?" Nina asked. "Yes. Yes." Meena yelled. Nina had been at camp almost every year for over two months. Fosterkids without a placement got shipped off to some camp to not have to have supervision for a few weeks. But for Nina it was great. She loved camp. It was the place were she felt like a normal kid. Noone had parents at sleepaway camp.

"Okay. We are here." Nina said. "I'm scared." Louise wispered as Nina helped them out of the Car. "I know. But you are gonna have so much fun. I promise." "I see Pru." Meena yelled. Pru smiled seeing her station cousines. So far she had been alone, as Luna went to a deaf camp. She walked over, Ben following her. "Hey. Are you ready for the best weeks of summer?" "I don't know." "They are only staying for one week." Nina said. "Just a trial run." "Oh." Pru said. "I get three. I love camp." Ben smiled. "I have to head back. Why don't you show Meena, Louise and Nina around and help them get settled." "Sure." Pru hugged Ben and Ben kissed the top of her head. "Have a great time. I love you. Don't do anything that could end you up in the hospital or jail." Pru laughed. "You say it every year." "I didn't the first year and who broke her arm?" Pru chuckled. "Alright. See you in three weeks." "See you." They hugged again and Ben left.

"Here ist the main house. You can get registered and then they give you a tabin and you can get your stuff to put there."
"Hi. Are you ready for camp?" A girl Ninas age said to Meena and Louise. "Yes. My sister told all the stories. I want to do all the things." "Alright." "My name is Lilly. And you are?" "Meena." Louise hid in Ninas side. "Philomeena and Louise Deluca-Bishop." Nina said. "Okay. Great." Here are your camp shirts and stickers for your waterbottle with your name." Lilly gave them the things. "Cool." Louise wispered still not a hundret percent convinced." You are in tabin 3. Its right up the path next to the main house to your left. The shower and bath house is a little further up the path." "I'll show them. They are my cousins." Pru said. "Alright. You have a pro on hand." Lilly smiled and highfived Pru. "All of the councelors are wearing those orange bandanas. So if you need anything just ask. Before you get settled, you can go over to Milly she does Lice checks." "Alright." Nina said.

"Are you ready?" Pru opened the door of their tabin. There were already three girls in there. Talking and getting their places ready.
"Hi" Nina said. "These are Meena and Louise." "Hi." The girls said. "My name is Amy this is Ellianna and Stefanie." A brunette girl said. "You can have this bed." She pointed to a Bunkbed next to a window. "There is all so space in those cupboards." They nodded and got everything ready.

Once the covers were on the bed. Stuffies on the pillow. Nightlights ready. Snacks stores and clothes folded away. Nina sat the two girls down on her lap. "I promise you, this is going to be a great week. But if anything happens or you just want to talk you can ask the camp councelors to call home. The have our house phonenumber and mammas phone number. This is my phone number. I will keep my phone with me at every time. I will leave it loud and i will answer if you call. I'll put this paper here in your bandaid packet. You might not need it or you might need it. Both are so okay. Help eachother. Change your underwear everyday and shower atleast once." Nina smiled an tickled them. " "Stop it, Ninaaa!!" They squeeled and laughed. After they were completly out of breath, Nina hugged them so tight. "I love you. Have great fun." She said to Meena. "Take care of your sister." She kissed Meenas forehead and then took Louise in her arms. "I know it has been tough at home this year. Thats why i hope you can enjoy this week even more. I love you and Mom and Mamma love you, okay? Meena is with you. But you need to remind her to change her underwear. Last time she slept over at grandmas for a few days she came home with the same pair of socks and underpants as she left. And all the others were clean." Lousie laughed. "I will check." "Take care. Te voglio bene." "Anchio te voglio bene." Louise said. Nina hugged her tightly again and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Bye." Nina waved and Pru took them by the hands to show them around. Louise turned her head and looked sadly at Nina. She wasn't crying. But you could tell she was close to it.

Nina walked back to the main house. "Can i speak to one of the councelors?" "Sure. I have time." Lilly said. "It's about my sisters. Meena and Louise. Oh Mom is very sick. She has cancer. This year has been tough and i just wanted you tell that. They might be scared or have nightmares. If it really doesn't work call me, I'll get them at any time." "Wow that's the tough Situation you are in." "Mhm hasn't been easy." "I will personaly make sure they are okay. I will check in with them and I will let you know if anything is wrong." "Thank you. Have a great camp." Nina smiles and walked back to the car. On the way she sent the drafted email to her brother.

An: i used to councle camps before i got sick. I miss it. But i have great memories and i might be able to go back in the future

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