If you mess with me you are messing with my family

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Miranda Bailey knew Maya. She had first gotten to know her as a collegue of her husband. As a proud strong woman and as a safety net for her husband to come home. She had gotten to know her better over the years and they considered eachother as family. Carina and Miranda had often waited together to get information when their spouses were on big calls and so she had often felt a relieve getting a message from her or seeing her. Often covered in sooth and most of the time a little banged up and bruised, but smiling and proud. Head held up hight. Maya Bishop was a badass woman. The more it shocked her to see Maya pale and shaking on the ER Bed. Tense and clutching onto Carina like her life depended on it. Maya didn't talk or respond in any way, when Carina explained what had happened. "Okay. Maya. I am going to numb the area to be able to put in stitches." Bailey said and looked at the woman. Maya didn't respond. Bailey looked at Carina. "Maya. Can you hear me?" Bailey said. Maya nodded slightly and began shaking more. "Maya. Breathe. You are save." Maya nodded, but the information didn't reach her brain. "Maya. Would you like a light sedative?" "I think thats a good idea. Maya you are still having a panikattak, your heartrate is way to high. We need to get you to calm down. Take the sedative." Carina pleaded. Maya nodded. "Thank you." Carina said and kissed Mayas temple. Bailey administered the medication. "She has emergency anxiety meds at home, but we came here from the police, i thought she might calm down after the police." Bailey nodded. "Its okay." She finished the stitches, normaly she would let an intern do them, but she didn't want to agitate Maya further. Maya slowly relaxed as the sedative spread around her system. Louise started crying and Carina stood up to pick her up. "Giver her to me, please." Maya said. Carina looked at her, but handed her the baby. "Hey. I love you so much. And i promise never to hurt you like he hurt me. I will do my best everyday." Maya wispered to the little girl. Louise stopped crying. "Can we go see Ellie. I feel like i need my girls close." Maya said. Carina nodded and reached for Louise to put her back in the stroller. "No. I want to hold her." Maya said. She looked so miserable, that Carina didn't want to fight her.

It took a while for Maya to shake her fathers visit. She fell into a depression and had to take of work for a few weeks. She worked her ass of in therapy and her and Carina talked a lot. Playing with her kids helped a lot and taking her emergency medication on somedays made things easier. On July 23 they finaly got to take Ellie home. She had had a few ups and downs, but the Doctor were positiv, that she would be okay at home. She had to catch up  on quite a few mile stones. While her sisters where pushing their heads up when they were put on their tummy and played with their feet and moved around quite alot. Ellie was calmer and would mostly just lay around. She did however respond to sound very well, especially when Carina would sing to them. She could smile so bright. It was normal for Ellie to be somewhat delayed in her behaviour, as she spent so much time in the NICU, but the Dr. Rossman refered them to Dr. Filia Dimitiov. A pediatritan, who specialized in preemies to get check ups regularly for all the girls.

Once the girls were home, Maya decided to go on parental leave leaving Andy in charge. On her last day the station surprised them with a barbque. To celebrate the girls and Carina and Maya. They played all the funny games, like you would at a baby shower, which Andy and Vic had fully intended to throw, but the girls were faster. "This is amazing." Maya said snuggling closed to Carina on the porch sofa. They were at  Travises again and Carina was bottle feeding Ellie. It took them a long time for her to take anything. But for three weeks now she has taken Carinas milk out of a specific kind of bottle and so she had graduated the feeding tube a week earlier, just before they left the hospital. But Carina wasn't mad, that she only had to breast feed two babys. Quite the conturary. "Yes." Carina smiled. "You know. With how traumatic everything was, i forgott to feel happy and amazed by the miracle that are our babys. I mean look at them. I was consumed with worry about you and the girls and Ellie and then with my dad. It just.... I just... You know, people talking about their childrens birth, they are always like 'but once they were out i was just so happy and everything was worth it." "And you were just worried?" "Yes. You litteraly passed out in my arms. I had this short bliss moment, when Meena was born and then Louise, but then i was just terrified." "I know. I am sorry." "But now everything is great. The girls are great and look at our family. They love them so much. It makes me so happy and i feel like i'm finally catching up on the happy feeling." "That is awesome, bambina. I feel so too." They kiss and snuggle closer.

Dean and Vic starting a small fight around the pool. It was fun and they were just teasing eachother, but in the process they knocked into Jack, who took that as an invitation to push Vic close to the pool. He didn't actally want to push her in the pool, but when Dean saw that, he push Jack and both Jack and Vic ended up in the pool, fully clothed. Everyone laughed so hard. Travis put Louise down and Andy nodded to watching both Meena and Louise. Tavis, Maya and Theo ran behind Dean and pushed him into the water aswell. They started to splash eachother and in the end everyone was wet to the core. The were all having way to much fun, when Ben and Bailey came around the corner. "What?" Bailey asked, as Dean picked up both Vic and MAya and threw them into the water. "I don't even want to know." Ben replied. Andy and Carina were sitting in the shade watching the babys and laughing at the sight. They were so happy in that moment.

AN: It sounds a little like an ending, but it is not. I have so many ideas. But i will do i time skip a few years in the future. You will see.

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