Oneshot: The voice Kids

480 3 0

Carina 48
Nina: 22
Meena,Louise, Ellie: 10

Louise was so excited. Today was the day. When she had gotten the invitation a few months ago, she was so happy. She had taken voice lessons for the last few year and not only discovered a talent for singing, but for singing opera. Her moms were increadibly proud and when she asked to audition for The voice kids they couldn't say no. Although they had a long talk with her, that no matter the outcome of the show, her voice was amazing and she'll do great.

Maya woke Louise early to go to the studio. The entire family had taken a trip to LA for the Blind auditions. But Carina and the rest would join them later.

Maya and Louise checked in and got asigned a number to wait. They they hung out in a big room with lots of people. Louise was still very sleepy so Maya had her rest on her lap and listen to some music.

After a while, they were called for Louise to go to Make-up. The makeup artist was very kind. "Whats your name?" "Louise." Louise answered and smiled. "Are you excited to sing?" "Yeah." "What song are you singing?" "Voi che sapete. Its italian." "Oh. I am very excited." "Me,too."
They finished the Makeup and then went to interviews.

"Hi. My name is Louise. I am 10 years old and i am from Seattle. I love to sing, because it makes people happy. Its very special. With me here today are my Mom, my Mamma and my sisters. Nina is older and Meena and Ellie are the same age as i am because we are tripplets. But we are very different from eachother."

When they were done it was still a long time to wait. So they listened to the other talents.
About half an hour before her predicted stage time the rest of the family came and joined them in waiting.

15 minutes before it was her turn a lady came and guided Louise Backstage. She gave her a mic and wished her good luck. Louise was so nervous. This was so scary. She loved singing, but could it be possible that she had overestimated herself. She took a few deep breaths and stepped out on the stage.

She put the mic in the stander and straightend her long red dress. Then she possitioned herself and nodded. The band began to play. And when Louise heard the first few notes, she was completly calm.

Voi che sapete
Che cosa è amor
Donne vedete
S'io l'ho nel cor

Quello ch'io provo
Vi ridirò
È per me nuovo
Capir nol so

Sento un affeto
Pien di desir
Ch'ora è diletto
Ch'ora è martir

Gelo e poi sento
L'alma avvampar
E in un momento
Torno a gelar

Ricerco un bene
Fuori di me
Non so chi'l tiene
Non so cos'è

Sospiro e gemo
Senza voler
Palpito e tremo
Senza saper

Non trovo pace

Notte ne dì
Ma pur mi piace
Languir così

Voi che sapete
Che cosa è amor
Donne vedete
S'io l'ho nel cor

She didn't even realize that all three judges had turned around. This years judges were Nial Horran, Pink and David Guetta. Louise smiled from ear to ear. Everyone clapped and cheered.

"Whats your name?" Pink asked. "Louise." "How old are you, Louise?" David asked. "I'm 10." "10 wow. You have an amazing voice." Pink said. "Thank you " Louise couldn't stop smiling. "But we know, since you have such a specifc  song you prepared another one." Louise nodded. "Would you sing it for us?"

So much pressure, why so loud?
If you don′t like my sound you can turn it down, I gotta roll
And I walk it alone
Uphill battle, I look good when I climb
I'm ferocious, precocious I get braggadocious, I′m not gonna stop
I like the view from the top

You talk that blah blah, that la la, that rah rah, sh-
And I'm so done, I'm so over it
Sometimes I mess up, I "eff" up, I hit and miss
But I′m okay, I′m cool with it

I still fall on my face sometimes and I
Can't colour inside the lines ′cause
I'm perfectly incomplete
I′m still working on my masterpiece and I
I wanna hang with the greats, got a
Way to go, but it's worth the wait, no
You haven′t seen the best of me
I'm still working on my masterpiece and I oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, I, I
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, I, I

Everyone clapped again. "I love that song." Nial said. "Amazing."
"I have a question?" David said. "Parli italiano?" "Si. mia mamma è italiana." "Bene. Molto bene." "Tu partli italiano?" Louise asked David. "Si. ho vissuto in italia per alcuni anni." "English please." Pink said and everyone laughed. "I have a question aswell." Pink said. "How can you sing so well?" Everyone laughed. Louise smiled. "Its a good question. I guess singing just means a lot to me. My mom was sick a few years ago she had cancer and got chemo and was very weak and when she was home i sang her songs or sent her audios to the hospital, and she said they made her happy and happy people get healthy faster. So i like to think my singing cured the cancer."
The audience gasped. "That is great, Louise." Pink said.

"Now it's your turn to choose." David said. Louise pressed her lips together. She had already known where she wanted to go, but she thought about it for a second. But then she went back to what she had already decided. "I'll go to Team Pink."

A few weeks later it was time for the battles. Pink picked Louise to be in team with Liam, 11 years, and Leony, 10 years. She choose the song" True colors ".

They had about a weck to practice the song. The day of the battles Carina came down to LA with the rest of the family. She had to work the week of rehersaals and as Maya was still not back to active duty, she went with Louise.

Louise was asked weather she liked the song picked for them.
"I love it. Its about being your true self. And it is special for me in two ways. One we are a special family as i have two moms and Queere familys are often associated with rainbow colors. And second. Me and my sisters are rainbow babys. My moms lost their first baby during pregnancy and a baby after a lost baby is called a rainbow baby. We are tripplets. So we are all rainbowbabys. "

They performed the song beautfully. Maya and Carina both had tears in their eyes. Sadly Louise wasn't picked for the next round. "thats okay.", She said. "I had fun." "I love you." Carina said. "I am so proud." On the way home to Seattle Louise asked. "Mamma?" "Hm?" "Nina showed me the Thalia theater in Seattle is looking for child actresses to play in Matilda. Now that i don't have to rehers for the next round of the voice kids. Can i audition?" "When is the audition?" "Tomorrow." Louise said. Carina sighed. "Yeah sure. Why not."

Two months later Louise had her big debut. Everyone was there. Andy, Jack, Jo, Luna and Elija, Travis, Emmet, Joshua and Finn, their foster teen, Miranda, Ben, Pru, Joey, Tuck, Amelia, Kai, Scout, Teddy, Leo, Allison, Owen, Vic and Theo, Kathrine and of course Carina, Maya, Meena, Ellie and Nina. Lots of Louises friends were there aswell.

Louise was so nervous. But her castmates calmed her.

And she did great. Carina and Maya were so proud of their daughter. They even had tears in their eyes when Louise sang Quiet. And they definatly cryed tears of happyness when Louise came to bow.

They waited for her after the show was over and she got flowers and hugs and kisses from her entire family. Everyone was so proud and Louise was so happy her family supported her so much. She couldn't believe she got to perform this show 3 times a week now until Christmas.

When she closed her eyes at night she couldn't stop smiling and just felt happy.

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