If you find your talent, you'll find your way.

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Finding a babysitter wasn't as easy as they thought. A lot of babysitting companys don't take kids with special needs and lots of private babysitters don't want to work while one of the parents is home. They didn't think it would be so hard to find someone, but the ones that were willing to do the job, were giving them a bad feeling and they didn't want someone they felt uneasy with take care of their kids. They had one more applicant, they asked to meet with her at the playground. The girls could play and they could talk on neutral ground.

When they reached the playground, they were confused to find a young girl standing at the entrance where they had agreed to meet. Mayas eyes grew. "Hi. You must me the Deluca-Bishops." The girl said. "My name is Nina Westerman. We wrote via email." She smiled and held her hand out for the Moms to shake. "Hi." Maya said a little to stunned to speak. "Hello. Lets go inside." Carina said.

After they had let the girls run free and got Ellie situated in the sand box right next to them they sat down. "Well Nina. I just want to ask something in the beginning." Maya asked. Nina nodded. "You seem very young. How old are you?" "I am 14. But i will be 15 in october. And i know i am young, but i have been taking care of kids for the last 2 years, so i have a lot of experience." She stated. Carina nodded. "What did you do, if i may ask?" Carina said. "I am in the system, i was with a foster family, who saw me as a cheep Nanny. I loved the kids. They are now 4 and 6 years old. But i had to do litteraly everything. Laundry, cleaning, taking care of the kids and more. I didn't mind much, i have not had the best experiences with foster familys before. And the kids were very sweet. But for you to know, i am very capable to take care of kids." "I am very sorry for what you have been throught." Carina said. "Its okay. I am at a group home now. Its okay. I have what i need. But i thought i could use my skills with kids and make some more money. Allowance money is not exactly something fosterkids get." Maya nodded. "You know one of our daughters is special needs." "I do. And i have no problem with that. I lived with a foster sister with down syndrome for a while and while i know it is not the same, i just want you to know i can deal with the extra help she might need." "You seem very sweet." Carina said. "But?" Nina asked. Carina shoke her head. "No, no, no. I just have to talk it over with my wife." "Okay. Yes. Definatly. Can i go get to know the girls a little?" Maya nodded. Carina pointed at the two girls on the swings. "Sure. They are on the swings." Nina ran over to them. "I like her a lot." Carina said. Maya nodded. "But she is fourteen. Fourteen." "I know. But she had to grow up quick. I don't think you can messure her with a regular 14 year old." They nodded. "Hey why don't we try? Tomorrow evening. I am on shift and you are off. Why don't we try and if it doesn't work, you are still home so you could just take over." Carina suggested. Maya nodded. They waved Nina over. "Hey. If you want it, you have the job." "Yes? Oh my god. Thank you." Nina smiled the broadest smile. "We'd like to give it a try tomorrow and if it works out fine, then we'll give you the scedule. It should be 2-3 times a week evening. 5:30 pm to 10pm. Thats 4:30 hours. 20 dollers an hour." Ninas jaw dropped. "It is going to be a lot of work." Carina said. "I can do it." Nina said. "I will bring the girls home, you will feed them dinner. We will have something, you just have to warm it up or put it on plates. I am at home, but i have to studdy as you know. After dinner one of the girls gets a bath. There is a scedule on the fridge. Take the other two with you. Give them a book or put on a Tonie to listen to. After the bath you get them dressed and ready for bed. If i have time i will put them to bed. When you are ready come to my room open the door slightly and flick the lights." Nina looked confused. "I am hard of hearing and to studdy, i take my hearing aids out, if you knock i will not hear it." "Ah okay. Good to know." " If i don't have time. We usually read them books before sleeping. One for each. So 3 books max. And they will try to make you read more." Nina chuckled. "And then they go to bed. The have the pianist tonie, its exactly half an hour of claming piano music. But they usually sleep after like 10 minutes. There is a monitor you take it with you and if they need something, you respond. Meena sometimes gets up and wants a drink, but usually they are good." Carina explained the rest. "I know these monitores. My foster family had one, too." "You can watch tv, if you want and if you are hungry you can eat whatever is in the fridge, but we count you in in the dinner for the girls. Do you have any allergies? " "No. Not that i know of." Nina smiles. "Okay. Just try to clean up after yourself." Carina smiled at her and Nina nodded. "I can do that." "Great." Carina said. Then see you tomorrow. Here is our adress." Carina said and gave her a piece of paper. "See you and thank you for letting me try." Nina said and they got up to leave.

"Hey come in." Maya said as she opened the door. Louise is colouring in their room and Meena is playing with blocks. Ellie is on the playmat. Its light up. She loves it. If you make dinner in half an hour, thats great." Nina smiles nervousily. "Nina!!!" Meena screams. "Hey. How are you doing?" "Oh i am building a towa. So big wana come see." "Yes. Definatly. Do you want some dinner, too, Mrs Deluca-Bishop?" "No. I will eat when i take a break. I am off now. But if you need me, just flick the lights." Nina nodded. "No problem, Mrs. Deluca-Bishop." "Oh and call me Maya." "Thank you. I will." Nina said and got pulled away by Meena.

The evening went great and Maya took the time to do bedtime with her girls. Nina was in the kitchen, while she read books to her girls. "Is Nina here now everyday?" Meena asked sleepily. "Not everyday but some days. When Mamma is working. You remember Mommy has this big test, where i need to know lots of things and i need to learn them and so that i have time, Nina watches you." "I like Nina here. She is very kind." Louise said. "That nice, birdy." Ellie was alreay sleeping. "Lets get you to bed. Now remeber, Nina is in the living room, if you need something just go to her or yell for her. I will be studdiing, but if you really really need me, i am just in the other room. Just ask Nina first and she will help see if you can solve the problem without me or if you really need me." "Yes. Mommy." Louise said. "Good night, birdy." Maya said and tucked Louise in. "Buona notte." Louise said. "Good night, ladybug." Maya said and tucked Meena in. "Onna notte, mommy." Maya kissed Ellies forehead and tucked her in. "Good night, bunny." She wispered. She put the tonie on the box and switched the light off.

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