Just breathe

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"Dr.Webber. Dr. Webber. We need help." Maya yelled at the doctor. "Hey. Deluca-Bishop, oh whats happend to her?" He said as he saw Maya carry a very weak and almost lethargic Carina in the ER. "Suspected Appendicitis." Maya said and placed Carina down on a gurney. "Get her in her. Yusuda get an ultrasound." Carina was still curled up in pain. Maya took her hand and strocked her hair back. "Its going to be okay." She wispered to Carina. "She feels warm." Maya said loud. Dr. Webber took Carinas temperature and nodded. "102,7 Lets get an IV in her." He ordered his resident. Carinas forehead was sweaty and her hair sticked to it. Maya brushed it away and kissed her forehead.
"Okay. This is cold." Dr. Webber said. "Okay. Yes. There we have it. Its very inflamed. We need to get her up to the OR, before it bursts. Push 2ccs of fentanly." Yusuda administered the medication and then pushed the gurney out. "Maya, please wait in the waiting room. I promise to take good care." Maya nodded and kissed Carina one more time. She was already calmer, the pain medication taking effect.

"Hey Vic. They have taken her to surrgery now. It was indeed Appendicitis." Maya texted "Oh. I am sorry. The kids are still sleeping." "Thats good. Thanks for comming in the middle of the night." "No problem. I hope Carina is fine." "I hope so, too. I just have to wait." "Try to rest." Maya nodded and texted. "I'll call you later."

"Hey. Maya What are you doing here?" Teddy ran up to her. Maya forgott her hearing aids and so she was guessing why Teddy had said. "Carina is in surgery." "And why are you here, is it a diffcult one? I am sure Carina can do it in her sleep." Maya was confused, but then got the missunderstanding. "No. She isn't doing surgery. She is having surgery. Appendicitis." "Oh. Crap. Thats why you are dressed like you just left your bed." Maya looked confused. "I don't have my hearing aids in. Sorry. "I said thats why you look, like you just left your bed." Teddy said again and stressed tbe words. "That is because i just left my bed. She had stomach pain yesterday, but it only got worse in the night. She was so sick. I hate it, when she is sick." Maya rubbed over her eyes. "Yeah. Do you need something? Who is operating?" "Dr. Webber. And no. I am fine." "Okay. An appendectomie usually takes about two hours." Teddy held up two fingers. "So they are almost half way there." Maya nodded. "But don't freak out if it takes longer. I have to go, but have someone page me, if you need something." "Thanks, Teddy."

"Maya?" Maya shot up as, she felt a hand on her shoulder.  Dr. Webber stood infront of her. "Sorry. I don't have my hearing aids in. I didn't hear you." "Thats okay. Can you understand me when i'm talking?" Maya nodded. "Carina is stable and everything went well. She will wake up soon." "Oh thank you. Thank you. Can i go to her." Maya asked. "Yes. Follow me." Maya sent a quick text to Vic and then followed Dr. Webber.

"Hey. Hey." Maya stoked over Carinas hand and kissed it. "Hey." Carina rasped out. "How are you feeling?" Maya asked. "Weird. My head feels funny." "Thats the anestheasia." Maya said and kissed her on the lips. "Oh, i really love you, you know. And you are really strong." Carina felt Mayas upper arms. "I am, baby. So are you." She smiled and Carina yawend. "Go to sleep, baby." "Yeah." Carina closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Maya went home to get dressed and talk to the girls. They had just woken up and sat at the breakfast table. "Mommy." Louise yelled. "Hey Maya." Vic said and hugged her friend. "Thank you." Maya said and Vic smiled. "Any day." "Can you watch them for 5 more minutes so i can get changed?" "Take your time."
Maya came back down to a crying Louise and two other upset toddlers. "Hey? Whats wrong?" "She asked for Carina." Vic said. "What did you tell her?" "That she had to go to the hospital to get better." Maya nodded. "Its okay." She picked up Louise and rocked her back and forth. "Mamma is going to be just fine. She had really bad tummy ache tonight and had to throw up a lot. Do you remember when you were sick in spring. When you had to throw up?" Meena nodded. "Dat was not nice. I did hate dat." "Yes. And Mamma felt worse than this morning. She needed some special help. Do you remember Dr. Webber?" "Is he a dotor like Mamma?" Meena asked. "Yes. He works with Mamma at the hospital. He helped her and now she is sleeping to get all better. She night need to stay at the hospital for a few days, but we can visit her." "But don't want Mamma in the hosbitpal. I want her home." Louise wimpered "I know, birdy. But she will not be there for a long time. Just a few days. And we can see her. She is still a little sick and when she is better she can come home." Meena nodded. "I ma draw a pitsher for Mamma." "That is a very good idea. When do you finish school today?" Maya asked Nina, who already put on her shoes as she wanted to meet her friends before school. "2pm" "i will pick you up to go see Mamma." "That would be great. I hope she feels better. Have a nice day. Bye Vic." "Bye, Honey." Maya yelled and Vic waved as the teen left. "Okay. I will take the girls to daycare, and then i'll work some in Carinas room, she'll be sleeping, but i just don't want her to be alone. Get some Lunch for me and Nina and then get her at 2pm and then get the girls after their nap and visit Carina." Maya thought out loud. "Okay. Girls can you get dressed?" "Yes, Mommy. Tan we do see mamma?" Louise asked "No, birdy. We will see Mamma after daycare. I'll pick you up right after naptime." "I wanna do now." Louise demanded. "I know, but she is very tired and sleepy and you want to talk to her and cuddle her, when you see her, don't you?" Louise nodded. "Well then lets wait until after your nap, i'm sure she is well rested then." "Otay." Louise jumped of Mayas lap and ran upstairs followed by Meena. Vic took Ellie out of her seat and handed her to Maya. "Thank you, Vic. If you want you can go now. I am blocking your day off." "Oh no. Its no problem i love the girls. They are the best. Is there anything i can do. I made them lunches, they are in their boxes." "You are the best." Maya carried Ellie upstairs. "Seriously, Maya. Its no problem. But i have a question." Maya turned to look at her. "Where do you get all that funny looking fruit and veggies? The pepper i cut for the girls was almost as big as my head and the carrots had two ends and the oranges, so tiny. I thought they were clementines, but they are oranges. And the mini apples." "Carina has a fruit and veggies box subscribtion. We get a box every two weeks. It veggies and fruit, that are perfectly eatable, but don't look up to standart and are therefore not even shown in supermakets. They get thrown away and this company buys them of Farmers and distributes them in these boxes. Its totaly worth it. The subscribtion costs way less then what the amout of fruit would be worth and it get delivered, which is really practical." "Thats so cool." Vic said. "Yeah. There are different types of subscribtions. We have the mixed family one." "Really cool. I have to look into that."

"Mommy yook we are matching." Meena said. Her and Louise had picked their purple dresses with the purple-white striped longsleeves. "Thats great, can we wear tights? It is cold outide." "Tan Ellie wear the same?" Louise asked and gave the third dress to Maya. "Sure. But we have to put on tights." Vic helped her to put black tights on all of then and do their hairs. Pigtails for Meena, space buns for Ellie and a half uphair for Louise.

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