Don't worry, Be happy

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This week was very special for Carina. She was now almost 20 weeks pregnant, but looked like she was going to give birth any second. Bailey did offer her medical leave but Carina wanted to stay for atleast one more week, for when Addison Montgomery came to the hospital.

"Hallo. I'm Dr. Carina Deluca-Bishop." Carina interduced herself. Addison smiled. "I read your studdy on the influence of female orgasms in pain controll for women. It is really good." "Thanks. Dr. Montgomery. I follow your studdies for a long time." "Thank you and call me Addison. How are you doing?" She pointed at Carinas belly. "Oh yes. I am very sore, but you know." "You must be almost ready." "Oh no. Its tripplets. And i am at 19 weeks." "Oh my god. That is a challange." Addison said. Carina nodded. "I sometimes wish i could just take them of and have my wife wear them for a while, but yeah. I think how much we went through to be able to have them and that helps me keep going. I am almost half way there. If i make it to full term." "Well i think your babys are lucky to have you as their mom." Carina smiled. "Also this is my last week. So lets get to work." "Okay. Lets go." Addison laughed.

They worked so well together. Everything went smoothly. They even had time to talk about their respective reserch studdies. The first three shifts came and went
Close to the end of Carinas thursday shift. A mom came in and it was soon clear. She needed a C-section. Carina throught, she would just do that, als she knew C-section in her sleep and then go home. She did the surrgery with one of her 2 year residents and it went smoothly until the baby was almost out. That was when exhaustion hit Carina all at once. She got dizzy and stumbled, luckily not holding any sharp objects in her hands. "Dr. Deluca are you okay?" A scrub nurse asked. "Yes. I just..." But she knew she couldn't finish the surrgery, she was seeing spots and though she was going to pass out any minute. "Please page Dr. Wilson." Carina said shakily. "And get me a chair." This last sentence was more of a wisper because after she had said it, her legs gave out and everything went black.

Jo and Addison were standing at the counter and talking about a patient Jo had a question of. When both of their pagers rang. "Oh they need me in OR 3. " Jo said. "Yes. I have been paged to the rehab room. Apparently someone fainted in the OR." They started walking to the OR floor fast. "If they paged you. It must be Dr. Deluca, who fainted. The other wouldn't need your care." "Fair point. I hope she is fine." "Yes. Can you update me as soon as you know something. I am her primary care OB. And i already had her bleeding out because of a misscarige before. I really don't want that again, especially because her and Maya are also close friends of mine." "I will have someone update you." Addison said as they went on different parts.

Addison opened the door and saw Carina laying on a gurny. She was terribly pale with an oxygen mask over her face. But she was awake. The had put an IV in and gotten her fluids. An intern was running around. "I've got her." Addison said.
The intern nodded. "She fainted in the OR. She said it was exhaustion hitting her. Her bp was very low and her heartrate in the 140s. Its gone down, now that she is laying down. I just gave her oxygen and fluids, because i have not had my ob rotation yet and i don't know what to give and not to give to a pregant patient." "That is fine. She is awake." Addison said. "Hey. How are you doing?" "Ahm. I feel so tired and shaky. Can you call my wife to come pick me up." The intern nodded and went out. "I think you overdid it." Addison said. Carina nodded. "Yeah. Sorry." "It okay, we all do it. Are you in any pain?" "No. Just exhausted. Can you check on the babys, please. I think someone caught me, and i didn't fall on them, but still. I just need to know." Carina said weakly. "Yes. Absolutly.".Addison said and squeezed Carinas hand. She got the ultrasound and put the gel on Carinas belly. "Okay. Here we go. Do you want to see the monitor?" "Yes, please. I already know the sex. Its 3 girls." "Okay. They here." Addison turned the monitor. "Here is baby A, Baby B and there is Baby C. All well and comfy." "Good." Carina let go of a breath she didn't know she had held. "Thank you."

Thats when Maya came through the door. "Hey. Hey." "Hello, Bambina. I am fine. I just overdid it. I am good. And the girls are good, too." "Yes. They are all fine. But you need to wait for the IV to run through." "Okay." Maya sat down on the gurney and placed her hand on Carinas cheak. "Thats good." They looked into each others eyes and smiled. Carinas smile barely visable throught the mask. "I will update Dr. Wilson. She was worried about you." Addison said. "Yes. Thank you." Carina said, being riped out of their trance slightly.
Addison left smiling at the two wifes.

"Okay. Lets go." Carina said, after the intern had pulled out her IV. "Can you help me up. I feel like an old lady." "Sure." Maya said and pulled her up slowly. "Do you want a wheelchair?" The intern asked. "No. Its fine." Carina said and Maya pulled her eyebrows up. "I am good. I am just tired and sore, but we are going home now and so its fine." Carina said. Maya nodded. "How about we have a bath at home?" Carinas eyes sparkled. "Yes. Please." Maya hooked Carinas Arm in hers and Guided her out of the Rehab room.

"This is so good." Carina said. Maya didn't hear her. Her hearing aids were water resistent but not water proof, so she took them out before the bath. Carina was infront of her and so she talked in the opposite directions. They had also put on some soft italian music, which only contributed to Maya not hearing Carina, but it was fine. Carina turned her head and kissed Mayas cheak. "I said. This is so good." She said again and this time Maya understood. Carina snuggled her face in the crook of Mayas neck and softly hummed the music. Maya had a hard time hearing the actuall music, but Carinas humming right next to her ear and the vibrations on her neck were way better. When Carina stopped, Maya looked down at her. She had fallen asleep. "Carina. My love. Wake up." "Hmm. I'm tired." Carina mumbled. "I know you are tired so lets get to bed and sleep." "Okay." Maya pushed her up and stepped out of the bathtub, then helped Carina out. They quickly put on pyjamas and went to bed. Carina snuggling into Maya, Maya caresing Carinas belly. The minute the light was off, Carina was fast asleep. "Good night." But Maya was wide awake. Her anxiety was messing with her and thoughts were running a hundret miles an hour. Normaly she would go for a run, but now she learned other methods to calm her brain. She switched the light back on and wrote down all her worries in her Journal. It helped her and after a few hours she was able to fall asleep aswell.

An: i made a Spotify playlist with the song, which have the lines of my chapter titles.

There i already put the songs in there of chapters i have already written but not updated, but maybe a little sneak peak. And yes. It is sometimes covers. Just because i like them. And "i'll be there for you" is in there twice, because i used it for a chapter title twice. I forgot i had already used it but now thats that. Well enjoy listening.

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