"What you mean?" Jake's eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"She managed to do the impossible and get the pair of you away from that fucking  PlayStation" Jess explained

Everyone started laughing.

"OW!" She flinched pulling her hand away from Amber "For someone in a coma she's got one hell of a grip"

I smiled because I knew that she knew we were here with her and willing to fight with her and pick up the pieces at the end of all this if we have to like we've always done and will always continue to do.

This is family, right here.

The consultant came in not too long after and told us we couldn't stay so the best thing we could do is go home, shower and rest so I decided to stay at Jess' place.

Jake dropped us off and once I had sorted myself out, I climbed into Jess' bed.

I pulled my phone out to see if I had received a reply from dickhead but still nothing so I did what any friend or PI would do and that was to Google him.

There were endless articles about him and that girl he was seen with and there were a few pictures of him in the same outfit with Megan which meant that they were taken from the same night and it also meant that there couldn't possibly be anything going on between him and that girl but why was he with Megan and why hadn't he turned up like he was supposed too.

I clicked back onto the search results and onto another site and there were pictures of him looking rowdy and completely out of it so I'm guessing he's been off on a bender.

What the fuck.

"What are doing?"

I jumped.

"Jessica, you just scared the shit out of me, stop being so god damn nosey" I sarcastically smiled at her to which she replied giving me the finger.

I quickly put my phone underneath my pillow before she could see anything.

She got into bed and turned the light off but I couldn't sleep.

I couldn't stop seeing Amber's face when we were in the ambulance or hearing her screams when she called me and I couldn't piece together what the fuck MGK was playing at, Amber had told me about the last time she saw him and how caring he had been on the phone to her after he had left so how did he go from that to getting on a plane with his daughter to not turning up without a word and I was really curious as to why Cassie hadn't replied to Amber's messages either.

I looked over at Jess to make sure she was facing the other way and then I slipped my hand underneath my pillow and grabbed my phone.

I dimmed the brightness of my screen and decided to risk it all, I mean at this point what am I supposed to do. I opened safari and started searching for his closet members of his entourage including his management team and assistant.

I sent a message to Rook and SlimXX and two of his managers, I knew there would be a good chance that I wouldn't get a response but I at least had to try.

My message was the same to all of them.


Hi, I need you to pass a message onto Colson, it's really important he gets it.

Amber has been involved in a serious car accident and I need him to call me on the number I have sent over to him directly.

I also sent a message to Detective Rivers, who had given me his card with his contact info on just incase anything else happened in regards to the stalker case.

Really sorry its late, Its Amy, My friend Amber was in the car accident tonight. Is there anyway I can get access to her phone? I need to get Machine Gun Kelly's number out of it. I'm really struggling to get hold of him.

Detective Rivers
Yes hello Amy. Unfortunately I can't give you the phone but I will retrieve the number from her phone and contact him for you.

Thank you! Can you either get him to check his Instagram messages because I've sent him my number through there or can you just pass it onto him please?

Detective Rivers
Of course

Thanks again.

I looked at the time on my phone, it was 05.48am, I didn't realise it was so late... Or early, whatever, I needed to try and get some sleep.

So I slipped my phone back under my pillow and shortly afterwards I managed to force myself to go to sleep.

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