Chapter 20

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Elsa POV

I saw Jack uncomfortably playing with the buttons of his shirt while Punzie and Eugene were making out. I tilted my head to the side and signaled Jack to follow.

The moon was starting to rise in the sky as I climbed onto another table and leaned against my elbows. I felt Jacks climb on the table and he laid down. I rested me head on his chest.

Jack: School is staring soon.

Elsa: I know I don't want to go.

Jack: it's ok snowflake you'll have me.

He kissed my forehead and pulled me off the table.

Elsa: haha Jack where are we going!

Jack: you'll see.

He dragged me to a small lake by the amusement park.

Jack: Now watch and observe as the amazing Jack walks across the water.

Elsa: Jack no! It's going to be freezing!

He smirked at me and took a few steps back. Than full on ran into the lake. I fell down to the floor laughing so hard.

Jack: well that didn't go right but I got you to laugh.

I slowly got up from the ground and saw Jack soaking and shivering.

Elsa: oh Jack you must be freezing!

I walked towards the parking lot and found Anna's bright orange car I opened the trunk and took out a few pink towels.

Jack: Pink? Seriously?

Els: Hey do you want to freeze to death!

He wrapped the hot pink towel around himself and I saw the others walked in our direction.

Merida: I think Hiccup was up passed his bed time.

Hiccup: Hey!

Anna: Oh my God that was so much fun! People got engaged, Hiccup turned green..

Kristoff: and you ate all the chocolate.

Anna: And and we got to see Jack wearing pink.

Everyone's heads turned in Jacks direction and started bursting out with laughter. Jacks cheeks turned red with embarrassment and he climbed on his motorcycle.

Elsa: Ok meet Yall at the house.

I climbed on my bike and Merida climbed on behind me. Everyone else went inside Anna's car and drove off.

I finally approached the mansion and entered the garage. I took off my helmet and entered the house with Merida right behind me.

Merida: Ugh tomorrow is school lass.

Elsa: i know so much has changed over the days.

I grabbed a chocolate bar off the marble kitchen island and started eating it. Merida grabbed an apple off the food bowl and sat down on the couches and turned on the Tv.

Anna: Hello we're backkkk.

Jack walked towards me while the rest say next to Merida and watched 'I believe.'

Jack: Snowflake excited about school?

Elsa: umm nope

I gave him a worried look and he hugged me. My face was against his chest and I felt his heart beat.

Elsa: I love you frost.

Jack: I love you snowflake.

Anna: I like the two red heads the most in the movie!

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