Chapter 10

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Jacks POV

The police came shortly after her death and collected her body.

Officer: you kids better go back to your school it's getting late.

Jack: ok thank you officer

I picked up Elsa bridal style and walked towards our motorcycles.

Elsa: I'll ride home on mine.

She climbed out of my arms and slowly made her way over to her motorcycle. She must be going through a hard time right now. Her boyfriend cheated on her and her friend died.

We finally made it back to the school and she parked her bike. Then she full on sprinted inside. I didn't follow I just sat outside and let my thoughts take over.

Elsa POV

I ran inside. I knocked on Anna's and Punzies door. They opened it with huge smiles on their faces but when they noticed me their smiles faded.

I collapsed in Anna's arms crying.

Anna: oh my god Elsa what's wrong? Did he do something to you?

Elsa: hhee cheated oonn mee! Anddd shhheee diied!

Punzie: oh my gosh Ariel is gone?! What are we supposed to tell Eric?

Elsa:I don't know. This whole thing has been a nightmare.

Anna: well I have some good news it's winter break and we can go back to our homes tomorrow. We could invite the gang over.

Punzie: ohhh and your little crush.

Anna: Punzieeeee! At least I don't already have a boyfriend!

I saw Punzie give her the death glare while Anna was giggling.

Elsa: wait who are you guys talking about?

Punzie: Eugene but most people know him as Flynn Rider.

I have heard of Flynn before he was the captain of baseball.

Punzie: and Annas in love with Kristoff we meet him at tooths party!

Wow looks like my sister is growing up. I'll punch that guy if he does to Anna what Rowan did to me!

Elsa: well I'm ok I'm going to go back to my dorm.

Anna: Ohhh invite Merida we could have a sleepover for a week!

Elsa: ok Anna I might not be there for all of it. I'm not doing so well.

Anna: ok! But try and be there for most of it! I love you!

Elsa: I love you too goodnight.


This is a very short chapter the next chapter will be much longer and it will be up today or tomorrow.

Here's a cookie 🍪

-Rose ❄️

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