Chapter 3

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~Elsa's POV~

I have never been that interested in boys but I did admire his white hair that he would occasionally ruffle with his hands.

I walked into Punzie's and Anna's room. Anna had chosen a pink bed spread with bunnies at the bottom and Punzie had chosen a light purple bead spread with miniature flowers surrounding the border and in the middle was one huge pink flower.

"Hey Elsa!" They both shouted as I entered the door.

"Hey guys, I just meet this weird guy named jake first or was it john frust..."

"I think ya mean Jack Frost." A girl said while entering the room.

She had thick red curly hair and bright blue eyes. She was wearing jeans and a green t-shirt and green converse.

"H'llo my name is Merida and I would advise ye to stay away from Jack Frost." She slowly whispered.

"He plays with people's hearts and has dated almost every girl in this school." Punzie and Anna both looked at me with worried eyes.

"Students please go back to your rooms and do not leave until dinner. You will have one hour where you can leave the premises but if you are not back in that hour you will have chores to do." An intercom boomed through the walls of the building.

"By the way Merida this is Punzie my cousin and Anna my sister." I said pointing to each of them while they smiled and waved their hands.

"And my name is Elsa." I exclaimed as I rushed out the door hurrying back to my room.

I entered my door and saw that my bedspread was already put on my bed and my pillows were there also.

The bed next to mine was green with bows and arrows covering it. The pillows were yellow and green with tiny arrows at the corners.

Merida slips into my room and landed on her bed.

"I guess we're partners!" She said excitedly.

We were soon able to leave our rooms and go outside. I went to aunt Bella's house and grab my black motorcycle and put on my helmet.

I went back to the school and parked next to a bike just like mine. I slowly took off my helmet and started walking towards the doors. Jack Frost was leaning on the doors smirking at me.

"Why hello there nice to see you again." He smirked at me expecting me fall head over heels in love with him.

'Great the jerk is here who won't stop following me' I thought to myself.

I brushed past him but a cold soft hand held my wrist firmly. I turned around and glared at him.

"I don't think I ever heard your name." He said still smirking at me.

"Elsa. Elsa Winters." I plainly stated.

I wiggled out of his hold and rushed back upstairs. I looked out my window and saw that he was the one that owned the motorcycle as he got on and started to drive off.

-Jacks POV-

'Geez what is her problem doesn't she know who I am?' I thought.

I rushed around the streets and finally came to a forest. The emerald grass was soft and the trees were tall and full of multi colored leaves.

I crept into the forest and followed a path I made and entered an opening covered in wild flowers.

A crystal pond had a few ducks in it and a lot a fish. I laid down in the grass.

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