Chapter Seventeen - Engagement

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Two days from the night that we opened up and it is finally my birthday. I'm 20 now and I know that I will be opened greatly to a brand new chapter. I received so many warm greetings, it was nice. My dad and auntie were so busy preparing. Tenny and I helped but we had plans to go out before nightfall. "Both of you can go. C'mon, we'll take care of everything. Happy Birthday, Eli." Aunt Tiffany said. Tenny and I went outside and we decided to go to our place. We brought some donuts, lighter, drinks, and snacks. We placed the mat on the ground and sat there. Tenny took a donut, candle stick, and a lighter. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday my sweet love." He greets and sings. "Aww. Thank you bunny!" I said, hugging him tight. "Come. I wanna show you something. I got you a gift." He said. "What? Babe, didn't I tell you not to get me anything? I don't want anything, it's a waste of money. Having you is more than enough, love." 
"Baby, it's not that much so don't worry. I know. But I still wanted to give you something even if it's small. Please baby?" 
"Well. It's already there. Let's go and see." I said, smiling. He then blindfolds me with a handkerchief and holds my hand. "Can you see or peak through anything?" He asked. "Obviously not. I see darkness." I replied. "All right. Hold my hand and I'll guide you." He said, then straight to my hand. He guides me while we walk and the closer we get—the more light I can see, the brighter the surrounding gets. Soon enough we stopped walking and he slowly took my blindfolds off. "I'm taking off your blindfolds but keep your eyes closed until I tell you so." He said. My blindfold was off and my eyes were closed. I could not see what he was doing but I can hear it. "All right. Open your eyes, love." His voice comes out after a while of silence. I slowly opened my eyes and immediately saw the beautiful place that he's set up. Then, I looked down and saw Tenny—kneeling down. He takes a small box and presents it to me. I teared up, I could not process what was happening right now. "Eliot Henry Glucksberg," a voice finally comes out. "Will you marry me and be one?" He says. Yes, I will. "Oh my gosh. Yes! Yes, yes I will! I want to marry you!" I replied. He puts the ring on my finger and I hugged him so tight and kissed him several times. No words can describe how happy I am right now. Tears fall down in my eyes and it was the only time that I ever cried for a long time. But this time, it was because of joy and not pain. 

We sat down for a while to process things. "I'm so glad you said yes. I was worried that you wouldn't because it was too fast for you." He said. "Of course I did and I would. I wanna spend my whole life with you until it ends. I'm ready for anything, let me just stay with you and I'll be all right." I replied. "I wanna be with you forever as well so I've decided that I wanna marry you, my love." He said.
"I love you dearly and so much, you know that?" I said.
"Mmm. I love you so much more. I would grieve my whole life if you were gone."
"I can't wait for another chapter with you, love."
"Me too. We'll go through so many adventures and we'll stay together, forever." He said. He takes my chin and grabs me in for a kiss. And I know that his kisses can mean anything but it's only mine and I only will receive it. "Does father and auntie know?" I asked. "Of course. I need to have your father's blessing." He replied. I leaned on him and we relaxed for a while and we reflected on our life right now. "You know," I said. "Father told me that we have a writer, writing our story. And the writer is very great. He wrote you in my story and you and me are meant to be. And that is all because of the writer." 
"Hm? Really? So do we have our own writers writing our story?" He asked.
"Nope. We only have one and he is great because he can write all of us and can even connect one's story to another just like ours." I replied, smiling.
"That's very amazing. Since we're talking about it, would you like to write poems for each other?" He asked.
"Hmm. Sure! How many should we do?"
"Maybe two is enough,"
"Okay then, let's write."

We write and we write for each other. Then suddenly comes to my mind, an idea on what the ending of my book would be. 
My sweet love, let us welcome our new chapter together. I will stay forever and you shall to.

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