Chapter Thirteen - My Book, My Story, My Soul

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The first game ended and sadly, we didn't win but that's all right. It was a fun and joyful experience with him. "I'm sorry. I slipped, are you okay?" He asked. "No worries. I'm fine, I had so much fun." I replied. "We didn't win though." He said. "So? There is another importance in this game other than winning. And that is teamwork. We've got a great team right?" I replied. 
"Hmm. I guess you're right. Are you sure you're not hurt, love?" He asked.
"I'm very sure," I said and kissed him on the cheeks. We heard the signal again so we went back to our base. Our teacher announced the winner and it was said that it was time for our break. We went to our cabins and each cabin is limited to four persons. Rhys and I stayed together and two other people were staying with us. There are two rooms in each cabin, Rhys and I shared and the other did too. 

Everyone went inside their cabins and I thought that I'd like to stay outside, alone. I went inside and took my writing materials as well as my case, where my written parts are kept. I went back outside and set up everything. "Oh wow, I'm almost done with my book. There's only one chapter left to write." I said to myself as I open the case. I began writing the last page of my chapter. After this, I'll be finally writing the first page of what will be my last. Whilst I was writing, I heard the door creak and some footsteps. I decided to ignore it as it must be just a person planning to do something. But suddenly, I had a feeling—footsteps going towards me but quiet. "Boo!" He said. 
"You scared me!" I said.
"I'm sorry. What are you doing, love?"
"I'm finishing my novel."
"Hmm. How nice. Could you write me a poem?"
"Right now?"
"Yeah. If it's fine with you since you've got your typewriter."
"Let me finish this last page then I'll write you."
"Okay, love." He said, leaning in for a kiss.

Tenny sat by me and watched as I write. He caresses my hair then my cheeks, takes my hand away from the typewriter for a moment, and brings it to his lips. "Your hands are beautiful, love. Everything about you is beautiful." He said. "Can you not right now? I'm busy writing. Let's do this when we get home." I replied. "All right love, I'll let you be. You can go and write." He said, getting up. "I'll see you later love," I said. "All right. Write beautifully!" He replied. I smiled and waved goodbye. I resumed my writing and slowly, I'm being eaten by the story and it is dragging me inside. I lost track of time and the sun was setting. I guess it's true that reading and writing take up your whole mind—which I like. 

I packed up my stuff and went inside the cabin to our room. There, I saw Tenny lying down on the couch with a book on his face. His arms slowly fell and I can sense that he was asleep. I approached him and slowly took the book away from him. I took a look at it and saw that it was empty. I then flipped the pages to see if there are anything on it. Eventually, I found some writings and it was his—it wasn't a book but his notebook. There are poems written and some doodles as well. I flipped to the page where I saw my name, Eliot. And there, were poems that I think he wrote for me and about me. He never told me about these but maybe he has a reason for it. I placed the book down and kneeled, leaning toward him. "You are my whole book, Tenny," I whispered. I came closer stared at his beautiful face and thought that he was cute when he was sleeping. While I was adoring him, I was surprised by a small movement and then a big one. He awakened and dragged me closer. "What are you doing? Hm?" He asked. I blushed and could not speak. "I-I uhm—I was just fixing you. You were asleep so I took your book." I replied, stuttering. "Oh? Is that so? Well, I'm awake now. What would you wanna do?" He said, teasingly. I blushed and then he picked me up. I sat on his lap and I can feel his gaze on me. "Pfft, why do you have to be so cute? Hm?" He said. "You're making me wanna kiss you right now. And I think you forgot about our deal." He said, smirking. He leaned in and I did too. Slowly, I felt his soft lips touch mine. I was again in between his comfort. I can lose my mind in different ways. But my favorite way is definitely you, my love.

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