Chapter Twelve - Adventure

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Today is the start of what will be an amazing experience. It is the first day of the three-day full of activities in school. Tenny told me he'll pick me up so we can go to school together. I was planning on bringing my books and my typewriter so I could read or write during free time since we will be getting them often. I heard Tenny's motorcycle honk so I rushed to him. "Good morning baby. Did you sleep well?" He greeted. "Good morning. Mhm, I did. You?" I greeted back. "It was good but I stayed up a bit late since I could not get you out of my mind." He said. "Silly. Don't start my morning with nonsense." I said. "You're so grumpy," he replied. "And you're very clingy," I said back. "I didn't even get my morning kiss yet. Are you gonna give it any time now?" He asked, teasingly. "Not here. Father might see, he's still at home. I'll give it later, I promise." I assured him. "All right, fine by me. But you gotta give me lots." He ordered me, nicely. "Okay. Fine. Let's go, we'll be late." I said. 

We will be doing games today by partners. The teacher will divide us all into two to play this game. I hoped that Rhys and I will be partners. I can hear most of the girls screaming and complaining, saying that they don't want to be partnered up with boys and the same goes for the boys, they wouldn't want the girls as their partners. It seemed fair, maybe they were worried about what would people think if they are partnered so our teacher decided that girls will be partnered up with girls and the same will go for the boys. The teacher then began calling names of those who will work together. It then came to Rhys and our teacher was looking for someone to partner him up with. Then, my name was called and I was told that Rhys and I will be partners. I could've never been so happy and relieved but we acted cool so no one could suspect a thing.

We all stood by our partners as we listen to our teacher announce what will we be doing. It's a game where you and your partner should team up to win. The first game is called "Racing Chemistry", it is racing while building up chemistry with your partner if you don't know each other yet but if you already do then it will build your chemistry up even more. Since Rhys and I are together, we already have chemistry with each other so I guess for us, it'll be just racing while focusing on each other and the game. The game has a twist, one should carry the other one throughout the race, giving your partner a piggyback, and should not fall because if you do, you'll have to restart. "I'll carry you," said Rhys. "Are you sure? I'm heavy." I replied. "I'm bigger than you so yes." He insisted. "All right. Tell me if you wanna rest because we can." I said. "All right love." He replied. 

I hopped unto him and we got ready. "You better give me 30 kisses if we win." He said. "And if we don't?" I asked. "Then give me 20." He replied. "All right, all right. Just focus on the game." I said. "Got it, love." He replied. They have given the signal, it was time to run. We were going so fast and Rhys was running like a lightning. I was screaming and hyping him up and when no one was looking, I gave him a small kiss on the cheek. "Go love! You can do it! Just a little bit more, c'mon!" I cheered him, smiling. He giggled and ran even faster. I was cheering so loud that only I can be heard. Which I like because I want him to hear only me and no one and nothing else. It isn't about racing for me, it's about us being and staying together. And with that, I couldn't ask for more. Go, love, fight. Fight for you, for me, and the both of us. I will be here cheering you up always. I love you.

These Lost Romantic SoulsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora