Chapter Ten - You And I Are Poems

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He let go and broke our kiss. "I'm sorry. You need more air?" He asked. "I'm fine. You are my oxygen." I replied. I have finally found the other half of my heart and my other soul—it's you, my love. "I wrote a poem for you—I wrote two last night, one for the other situation that I felt would happen and one for what I wanted to happen—and it did." He said. "Oh, hmm? Read it to me." I said, giggling as I lean onto his shoulders.
You are the other half of me,
your heart is mine and my heart is yours.
I will always find my way to you if fate does not,
For forever be connected our souls.

As expected, I'll always find comfort in his words. "It's beautiful," I said. "Nothing but beauty goes in it." I followed up. "You are more beautiful, my love." He replied. "Maybe. Maybe we are poets and we are each other's poems." I told him.
"We are, angel, we are." He said.
"Write me one." 
"Write you what?"
"A poem," he ordered me, lovingly.
"Now?" I asked.
"Yes. Right now. Right here." He replied.
"Well uhm—alright,"
My soul wanders lost,
it screams and shouts to be found.
It was never found,
it found another lost soul.
It was you whom I found,
And it was me whom you found.
And together we will roam in the empty void forever,

I'd write. Tenny sat silent for a while. He'd look at me, stare in my eyes and gaze upon my words. "It's nothing like anything else." He finally spoke. He hugged me and I hugged him back. Our foreheads would touch each other and my hands placed on his cheeks. We closed are eyes and recited our poems for each other. We are one connected soul. "Never shall I let you go." He said.
"I too," I replied
"I love you ever so dearly." 
"I love you even more."
He took my hands and said, "This. This is mine." He let go and touched my cheeks, hair, and somewhere above my chest. I blushed a little and he said, "This, this, and this are all mine," He said. He then looks in my eyes and said, "You have such a soft glare. Your soul is sweet, your heart is tender, and your mind is my favorite place." 
"And you are my comfort and favorite person." I replied

We took off our coats and unbuttoned our button-ups and we ran towards the river. We splashed under the beautiful moonlight. I could never ask for more. We went deeper in the water and I went close to Tenny. I placed my hands on both of his cheeks and got lost in his eyes. "You're beautiful, you know that?" He said. "Hmm. Just a bit. You are divine." I replied.
"Are you tired? Should we head home?" He asked.
"Let's stay for a bit more. I wanna stay with you for a little more."
"All right then, come here." He told me. I laid down on his lap and we'd gaze on the sky together. I will love him. Forever. For the rest of my living. My other soul.

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