Chapter Sixteen - Coming Out

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We laughed and chuckled and last night was so fun and so easing. And today is the day—we'll be coming out to our parents together. Dad started preparing and cleaning the house and I was cooking food. When I was done, I went to my room and dressed up. I then texted Rhys and asked when they will be arriving.

                       Today At 6:40 P.M

                         Hi baby. When are you coming here?

We'll be there by 7 p.m, love.

                       Okay. I can't wait, I miss you. I'm really 

Hahaha, me too. I miss you as well. 
Don't be, we'll be all right, I promise.

                     But what if your mom hates me?

Hun, don't say that. She doesn't, she's
known you since we were still little.
                   I mean you're not wrong but what if she doesn't
                   want me to be your partner.

I'm gonna punish you for overthinking really.
We'll be fine, I'm here, and I'll stay with you no matter what 
happens. Okay?

                   Okay. Hurry up, it's killing me not to be able to
                    see you.

Will do. We're driving, be there in 10. Love you.

                   Stay safe. Love you.

That was our last text before he comes. Father and I waited by the door as they park. We greeted and welcomed them warmly and then invited them in. Aunt Tiffany seemed so happy to see us. I mean, it's been a long time after all. She hugged me and we talked for a while then she left. And while father escorts aunt Tiffany to the dining room, I ran to Rhys and hugged him so tight. "I missed you so much you know," I said. "Mhm. I missed you too. I'm really happy about tonight." He replied. "Me too but I'm nervous as well. Let's just roll with it." 
"Yeah. Exactly what we're gonna do. Let's go." He said, taking my hand. We then came to the dining room and then father and I served them what we prepared. "This looks so delicious. Who cooked all of these?" Aunt Tiffany asked. "I cooked everything, auntie." I replied. "Mhm. He's a good cook mom, he gives me food everyday." He said. "Oh you eat his cooked meals? You don't like mine?" Aunt said, jokingly and we all laughed. "Before we eat. Should we have a proper talk?" Father says, suddenly. "Um. Sure. Rhys?" I said, wanting to ask if he's all right with it. "Hm? Yeah sure. I'm fine with that." 
"I am too. I think it's better if we're 100% present for this." His mom says. I couldn't help shaking and panicking. Rhys took my hands and calmed me down. "It'll be all right love. Hold my hand. I'm right here." He says, calming me down. "So. How long have y'all been dating?" Father asked. "We've been together for almost five months, uncle." Rhys replied. "Only that long? I'm surprised on how brave you both are. You already came out to us and you're not even that long yet." His mother said, suddenly. "We wanted to make sure that both of you are all right with it." I said. Father and Rhys' mom look at each other and then to us. "We are fine with your relationship. Just don't be fools and ruin anything. It will sting and believe me, both of you will come to us if that ever happens. I just pray that it won't because seeing you cry so hard and all depressed when both of you part was so hard for us. So tell me, do you feel forever in each other?" Father says. I held Rhys' hand and looked at father and said, "Yes. Yes we do, dad. We'll stay and love each other forever." 
"Whatever he said uncle. I'll never hurt your son if that's what you're worrying about. And I'll never ever leave him, not ever again." He says. "Well. It is set. Though, I wanted a grandchild from you, Tennyson. But we all know we can't change fate. It is what has been set." His mother said. "Mom—I can still give you a child—though it'll be from Eli." He said but I let not him continue his sentence. I glared at him, looking like a tomato and we all laughed. "Thank you so much for accepting us, dad, auntie. You don't know how much this means to us. It's an early gift from both of you." I said, with a smile that almost reaches my ears. We then all laughed, chuckled, and ate. This was the best night so far. I feel so relieved. Nothing and no one can tear us apart. I love you too dearly to let that happen.

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