Chapter Eight - Figure It Out

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Two days have passed since my "meet-up" with Rhys and I still can't forget about the incident. Am I gay? I mean I wouldn't let him kiss me if I wasn't but I'd also show more signs if I was. I can't figure it out. I'm not gay, oh but what if I want him?  

It's finally Monday and class will start anytime soon so I got ready and got everything that I need. I hear my father calling my name and saying that breakfast was ready. "Coming!" I said. I sat down and saw that the food was good. "Eat up. Coffee or chocolate?" My father would ask. "Water is fine, father," I said, along with a delighted smile. We ate and chat as we do so. My father got a very good job, enough to sustain our needs. After all, we are the only ones in the house. I washed my hands and got my bag. I said goodbye to my father and went by the door. When I opened it, I saw that Tenny was there. My father then said, "Let me take you to school." I can't accept it since Tenny will walk with me. "Oh. It's alright dad. I'll walk with my friend." I said. "Friend? Who?" Father asked. "Tenn-" it got cut off before I could finish. "Oh! Tennyson! Son! What are you doing here?" My father greeted. "Oh hi, uncle! Nice to see you." He replied. I was confused. Did they know each other? After that, they just hugged and asked each other how are they doing. I said goodbye to my father and dragged Rhys out of our house.

I didn't know why they were like that. Perhaps we knew each other before. "You know my father?" I asked. "Yeah. I can't believe you still couldn't remember," He said. I paused for a while and couldn't figure out what he was talking about. "We knew each other before. We were friends. Your story and mine are connected." He said, and smiled. I paused again and realized everything.
"Do you remember now?" He asked.
"Yeah. It's you!" I said, crying. I hugged him so tight and he hugged back. "I missed you," I said. 
"I missed you more." He replied. We hugged for a long time and I didn't want to let go. "Please don't ever leave me again," I said. "I won't. Never again." He replied. His words and presence are the only ones that I find comfort the most. I can't bare to lose or leave him. I'm keeping him forever.

We pulled out from each other and continued walking. We talked and talked as we walk our way to our school. We can never be so joyful. Once we reach the campus, most eyes are on us. As if we are some new students or whatever it is. "What's wrong? Why is everyone looking at us—" I asked. "Hm. They're just jealous that we're happy. Don't mind them." He'd say. "Hmm. Alright. You wanna go to class together?" I said. "We've been together since earlier—let's go." He said, taking my hand and inserting it between his arm. I went along with it and smiled. I was too happy to let anything ruin us and our day. I have found him again, my lost soul.

These Lost Romantic SoulsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora